Condescence In Comparison.

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Buffy and Spike were lying on the bed, trying to catch their breathes.

"Was that rude enough for you?" Spike asked between heavy breathing.

"Hmm." Buffy said under her breath.

"We should probably get back to the house, Dawn will wonder where we've been." Spike said while sitting up.

"So comfy. Let's just sleep here, for awhile." Buffy whispered before she fell asleep.

Buffy awoke the next morning naked and in her lovers arms. Her life seemed too perfect to be real, she never in a million years would have guessed her and Spike would be getting married. She wondered what her old self would have thought about it a few years ago. She started giggle and went to kiss Spike awake.

"Morning, love." He said between kisses.

"Morning yourself." Buffy smiled. "Guess we're stuck here till the sun goes down, huh?"

"Well, unless you don't mind walking through the sewage with me. I'm sure we could get back to your neck of the woods." Spike joked.

"Our neck of the woods." She confirmed. "And I'll pass on the sewage." She laughed.

"You want me to give this crypt up? We seem to have quite the good time here." He smirked to her.

"No, I like it here. It's a home away from home." She admitted.

"I like it here too, we can be as loud as we want." He smirked once again to her. "We have a few hours to kill, what should we do?"

"Hmm, I can think of a few things." Buffy said while climbing ontop of Spike.


"Buff, wake up. We fell asleep, it's 3am" Spike said while shaking Buffy awake.

She had woken abruptly and sat up in swift haze. "Shit, Dawn. We've been gone for nearly 24 hours." She suddenly felt sick to her stomach, she didn't realize how long her and Spike had been away. "Oh god, I forgot Willow and Tara said they were going to Willows parents for the night, I just left Dawn all alone."

"Let's go, get dressed." He said throwing her clothes to her. "They probably brought the little bit with them."

Buffy and Spike quickly made their way through the graveyard, and unfortunately encountered a few vampires.

"Guys, can we maybe do this another time? We're kinda in a hurry here." Buffy pleaded, she suddenly realized her stake was left back at Spikes.

"Buff, behind you!" Spike yelled.

Buffy swiftly ducked and turned to punch the vampire in the stomach. Without hesitation she picked him up and threw him towards the other vampires, causing them all to fall to the cold hard ground.

"Let's get out of here, we don't have time for this." Buffy said as her and Spike started to run.

As they were running, the vampires started to chase them. Looking back behind her, Buffy knew she had to stop and kill them.

"Buff, get back to Dawn. I'll take care of them." Spike assured her.

"Are you sure?" She asked in a fury.

"Yes, go now!" He growled before turning his face into a vampire.

Buffy made it back to her house and bursted through the door.

"Dawn!" She yelled. "Dawn, I'm so sorry. I lost track of time." She tried to explain.

"Shh, your going to wake her." Giles said quietly. "Come, sit." He said walking her to the sofa. "I know you and Spike need time to be together, but you can't just forget about her. She's your sister and your mother would want you to take care of her, not leave her every time you and Spike want to... Shag."

"Giles, it's not like that. We were out patrolling last night, stopped at his place and lost track of time. By the time we realized what time it was, it was too late. We had to wait out the sun, we must have fell asleep." Buffy desperately tried to explain to Giles.

"Listen to yourself Buffy, you didn't have to wait with him. You should have come here. I'm getting the sense that.. That Spike is more important to you right now.." Giles confessed.

"How could you say that? I love Dawn, I made a mistake. A big one. But that doesn't mean I love her any less." She was starting to get angry at Giles accusations.

"I know you love your sister Buffy. But you love Spike too, and he's got you wrapped around his finger. You two need to realize that there is a child in this picture. Own up to your responsibilities, I'm not always going to be here."

Buffy felt like a teenager getting in trouble for staying out past curfew. She didn't want to listen to Giles lecturing anymore and she was too tired to fight. Buffy felt ashamed of forgetting about Dawn, she knew her mother would be disappointed if she were alive. Too tired to talk, she made her way upstairs to go to bed.

A few moments later in walked Spike, he took his coat off and hung it up. Just as he was going to make his way upstairs, Giles spoke.

"Spike. Come in here for a second, would you?" He asked while cleaning his glasses.

"Hey, is Dawn alright?" Spike asked concerned.

"Yes, she is fine. That's what I need to talk to you about. Buffy has so much responsibility on her hands, and the last thing I want is for her to get distracted. I get it, you two are in love and want to spend every second together, but you need to under-" Giles was cut off by Spike, who had no intentions of getting lectured this evening.

"I get it, your angry that Buffy slipped up. It was an accident, and it won't happen again. I ain't no sodding adolescent boy that needs to get lectured. Mine and Buffs relationship is no ones else's business but our own. Got it? Now excuse me, I'm going to bed." Spike said while getting up.

"Angel would never had let this happen." Giles said coldly.

Spike stopped mid step and turned around, he walked back over to Giles. He got so close to him, Giles heart started to beat fast. Before Spike could speak, Buffy's voice came from behind them.

"No, Angel wouldn't have let this happen Giles. Angel would have kept me out much later, in fact he probably wouldn't have let me go. That's the kind of man he was, selfish. There's no doubt in my mind he would even care about Dawn. Not like how Spike cares about her. He protected her when I was gone, when I was 6 feet under. Made sure she was safe and taken care of. I can always count on Spike to take care of us. He is selfless, loving and compassionate. He would die before he would let anything happen to Dawn or myself, now I think it's time for you to go home Giles. Thank you for staying with Dawn while I was gone."

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