As Long As We Both Shall Live

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"Looks like I get to do rude things to you tonight, love." Spike said whilst standing over Buffy's body.

"Win or lose, your still going to." She smirked as she abruptly kicked Spike's feet out from under him, causing him to fall beside her.

"You really want to get married? To me?" Spike asked.

"Yes, I've never felt so sure about someone in my whole life. As cheesy as this sounds Spike, your the piece that's been missing inside here all these years." She said while grabbing his hand to place over her heart.

He smiled. "Your right, that was cheesy."

"We're cheesy." She giggled.

"Listen, Buff. Don't get me wrong, I want to be with you for as long as we both shall live. But you deserve to have an actual wedding, with your friends and family and a beautiful wedding gown and all those other gowns."

"Bridesmaid dresses." She said.

"Yes, bridesmaids dresses." Spike said.

"That's not me Spike. I don't need all those things, hell up until 20 minutes ago I didn't even know I wanted to get married. I just want something simple, and quiet."

"Then simple and quiet it is, pet. That's another thing we have to tell everyone, you think they will be happy about it?" Spike asked.

"Well, everyone but Xander and Giles maybe. I really need to talk to Giles." She sighed. "And I guess Xander, I don't know why he's so angry. He's dating a vengeance demon."

"Ex vengeance demon." Spike clarified.

"Still. Everyone's going to be here soon, to meet about those weird dream I've been having." Her mood changed, she suddenly felt nervous.

Buffy and Spike sat at the table in the magic shop, she was waiting for Giles to be done with a customer. She felt nervous, she assumed he had already heard about her and Spike from Xander. She walked over to Giles, mentally preparing herself.

"Can I talk to you?" Buffy nervously asked Giles.

"Yeah, sure thing." Giles softly spoke. "Let's have a seat, Spike you mind giving us some privacy."

No, he can stay. It's actually about him,well us." Buffy said, not looking Giles in the eyes.

"Us?" He asked confused. "Buffy you have me lost here, what's going on?"

"You haven't talked to Xander yet?" She asked confused.

"Xander? No.. Why?" Giles asked.

"Oh. Umm." She suddenly had lost all her words, an awkward silence filled the room.

"Buffy and I are dating. Well engaged actually." Spike blurted out.

Giles started to laugh but quickly stopped when he realized they weren't joking.

"Your kidding right? Tell me your not serious. Another vampire?" Giles said while cleaning his glasses.

"He's not "another" vampire, I love him. I have for quite some time now and I know this may seem weird but it's really not. We've known each other how long and .. And " she was starting to ramble.

"Buff, relax. I don't need all the details. Ill tell you the same thing I told you when you started to see Angel."

"Be careful, he has herpies?" Spike joked.

"Ha-ha very funny Spike. No, just keep in mind your a slayer and he's a vampire. Remember how hard it was for you to kill Angel? All he put you through?" Giles said concerned

"Spike is not Angel, Giles. I know what I'm doing." Buffy assured to Giles.

"Wait, there's one more thing." Buffy said before Giles who was about to go back to work the till.

"Oh god, please tell me your not pregnant Buffy. I couldn't handle it."

"No, Giles I'm not pregnant." She laughed. "I was wondering if, well... If you would walk me down the isle?"

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