Chapter 27: Grace Is Upset

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Chapter 27

He drove her home, and he went to kiss her goodnight at least and she was already getting out of the vehicle and shutting the door in his face. He couldn't believe it. He was gonna try and apologize to her, but she just ran off. He rolled the window down.

"Grace, come on! come back, can we just talk?" he called after her.

"Go away !" she said upset.

" Grace, honestly, please. How the heck did you expect me to know you wouldn't be interested?" He asked her. She stopped walking for a minute, halfway to her front pathway.

"I guess we didn't really talk about it..." she said and sighed, debating on going back to the car or not. She turned around to face him." Will you stop? and respect my wishes?" she asked

This was going to kill him, he was going to end up with Blue Balls if he dated her. But somehow he still liked her, maybe he could change her mind down the road some. " I won't touch you unless it's just a kiss. Swear," Joe said to her.

"Okay.." she said softly and walked back to the car.

He kept his hands in his lap."Can I kiss you goodnight properly? Please?" he smiled.

"Yes. I'd like that," she agreed softly. She opened the passenger side of the car and slid back in, he put his hands on her face only drawing it towards him, and kissed her softly.

"I'm sorry Grace, maybe we can redo this another night?" he asked.

"I'd like that," she smiled, kissing him once more before getting out again, "Good night Joey."

"Good night Grace," he said softly to her. He watched her walking up to her door and waited till she unlocked her front door and walked in, the door closing before he was headed home. This couldn't be that hard right? I mean, he only had one year of high school left so if he dated Grace it wouldn't be forever. So he might not die from holding in his desires.

And he had Ana still, they hadn't agreed to be exclusive yet or even a couple. He wondered if he should go back over there or not to relieve his stress.

He grabbed his phone as he stopped at the red light. Joe: Please tell me your parents aren't home tonight? Or I could sneak you up to my room if you can be quiet.

Ana: I can be quiet.

Joe: Meet me outside of the diner then.

Ana: okay be there soon!

Joe: good ill get you your milkshake to go...

Ana: Thanks.

Joe got back to the diner and since it was already closed by this time at 10 pm. He unlocked it quietly and closed the door behind him quietly. He made Ana a milkshake and had it ready for her when she arrived. He met her outside and climbed out of her car, wearing tight shorts that fit her like liquid skin and a tank top that covered her baby bump and pushed her breasts together more, lifting them, "Hey," he said holding the shake out to her," I'm sorry I ran out of your house earlier. I was late for my date."

She took the shake from him, casually wrapping her mouth around the straw taking a sip, letting the straw slid in and out of her mouth. Once she had swallowed, she looked at him. "So it went well, your date?" she asked him.

"Um, it was okay, not as well as I would have liked, but it was okay... but let's just, go somewhere quiet... alone?" he asked her. Even if they didn't fuck, maybe she would at least be willing to suck his cock. He needed something. He was horny as hell, and he couldn't handle the pressure of desire building up in his ballsack.

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