Chapter 7: Kim's Party

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Chapter 7


Katie was sitting on the porch swing of the Knight's front porch, crying her eyes out. " You don't understand," she sobbed, her face tearstreaked, her legs tucked beside her on the swing.

" Baby, it's a dumb sleepover where Kim likes to play her stupid games, what isn't there to get?" Jon asked quietly.

" I've never missed one of her sleepovers, ever! She's been having them since Jr. High and I was invited to every single one, showed up to every single one. Even the year we all got chicken pox, she demanded the sleepover and we all went," she said sobbing quietly.

" Yeah I remember because the guys all GOT chicken pox thanks to you lovely ladies," Jon said to her. He reached for her hand taking it into his," I think you need to calm down. You should be glad I'm not more pissed off. I was really kinda pissed off last night," he said.

"I know baby and I am so sorry, we were drunk it was stupid, and i should have told you when it happened..." she said, leaning into him.

"Yeah you should have. We had just started dating when Kim and D broke up. I really hate that you did that," He sighed.

" I'm sorry. I really am," Katie whispered," I love you Jon. I would never NEVER do that to you again."

"I know you wouldn't because you'd lose me if you did!" he said.

"Isn't it bad enough I just lost my friends?" she whispered softly," None of the girls will speak to me now, Kim is going to turn them against me. I won't be able to sit at the table on Monday!"

"I know babe but im jsut saying, if you do something like that again you'll lose evenmore... i want you aware of that.." he said, hugging her to him.

"OKay, let's just not talk about it anymore..." she said.

Jon held Katie's hand and kissed the back of it softly," How about we go inside and watch a movie?" he asked her softly.

" Okay," Katie agreed quietly. They got up off the porch swing and walked towards the front door. Katie opened the door to step into the Knight House, and Jon was texting on his phone.

Jon : Hey D. Think you could ask Kim to cool it? With the ousting? Katie gets it okay, she's been crying for over an hour about being uninvited to this stupid sleepover.

"Jonny?" Katie said turning to look at him.

He glanced up," Oh yeah I'll be a minute," he promised and continued his message

Jon : Message 2 of 2 . She thinks Kim is going to turn the other girls against her now. This isn't fair to Katie.

Donnie: I will try and talk to her but she's still pretty upset with me too.

Jon : I should be fucking pissed at both you and Katie. You're lucky I love her, but if you come near her again with an agenda, I will break you. I don't mess around D.

Donnie: trust me it was a long time ago I have no interest in your girl!!

Jon : Yeah well you shouldn't have been near than either. We had just started dating, you and I are supposed to be friends.

Donnie: I was drunk dude I barely knew my name let alone hers.

Jon : DUDE! She's been friends with you girlfriend since Jr. High! She's in your grade! Whatever, just talk to Kim. I'm done talking about this.

Donnie: understood.

Donnie sighed and texted his girl.

D to Kim: hey love Ik u r mad but can u cut Katie some slack please? We were both pretty drunk.

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