Chapter 19: How Big Are Your Marshmallows?

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Chapter 19


When Joey got to school the next day he was a little more than exhausted. After sex with Aubrey on the bed, they had studied naked some more, taken another break to have more sex, and this went on until he finally had to make himself leave to get home before her parents came home and before his Dad started blowing up his phone looking for him. He was standing at his locker, trying to wake up and stay more focused, when he heard the locker next to his being opened.

He turned to find Ana beside him, he smiled," Hey An...." he trailed off as she turned to look at him, and he saw a very small baby bump growing. It kind of shocked him, he hadn't really seen it yesterday because she was sitting at the booth and he was looking at her face than.

She quickly held her jacket in front of the baby bump, her cheeks tinging red," Um Joe...Hi," she said softly, almost nervous.

" I...uh guess you are claimed," he said gently.

" Um..." she said," It's..." She took a deep breath," No. No he hasn't claimed either me or the baby. He's gone," she said quietly, wishing the floor would open up and swallow her now. Now he was going to probably ask around school, find out if she was the school slut or something that got knocked up by a guy who didn't stay with her.

"So, he doesn't know?" Joe asked her.

"Oh he knows, he just moved away to get away from us..." she said, pulling out her first-period math book.

"Oh, geez, what an asshat..." he said. She giggled, that's what Kim had just called him the other day.

"It's funny he left you and his unborn baby?" Joe asked, not understanding why she was laughing.

" No NO. Trust me that is not funny by any means. It's just that my best friend Kim said the exact same thing when I told her he dumped me after I told him I was pregnant. He put the whole thing on me, but it was an accident...anyway I'm sure you don't want to hear about my dating drama."

"I don't mind, i like your honesty..." he said, with a smile. She blushed. Gosh he was gorgeous.

"Well I should, get to class..." she said, trying to rush off. He took her wrist in his hand.

"Come on, maybe at lunch we can sit together..... i'd like to talk more.." he said.

"Oh...I usually sit with my friends, but I'd like to sit with you. So today I will sit with you," she said softly. She had no idea why he wanted to sit with her and talk to her, she was nothing special...just the girl who was pregnant.

"Okay, good, i am assuming you're in the popular group, so their table is invite only?" he chuckled.

"Sorry..I mean cute boys are allowed but it's Kim's table," Ana said.

Kim arrived at her locker to hear that," What's Kim's table?" she asked glancing over at them, as she dialed the combination of her locker. Joe looked over to see a pregnant blonde, with a slightly bigger baby bump than Ana's. Their table was going to turn into Mommy & Me instead of the Popular table, geeze.

"Um, Joe asked to have lunch with me, and I told him usually I sit with you guys..." Ana began. Kim took a look at him and shrugged.

"Go ahead and bring him, if he can handle Donnie, Danny and Jordan asking questions, then he may fit in just fine..." Kim said.

"Questions?" Joe asked curiously.

" Kim, the guys, Maggie and Katie and I all went to the same Jr. High. The guys don't mess around when it comes to one of us," Ana told him," You sure you want to do this? "

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