Chapter 26: Ana's Upset

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Chapter 26

Ana to girl's group chat: He still went on his date. I don't know what else to do.

Kim: did you suck his dick, you got a talent for that!

Maggie: right! all the guys say so!

Ana: I didn't even get the chance to.

She sighed upset now that he had just left her here like that.

Kim: Pin him down and do just that ASAP. He will be like putty in your hands. You know always got Clay in bed because of your mouth skills *giggles *

Ana read the messages and knew that her friends were trying to make her feel better, but honestly, she didn't. She sighed, wondering if it was worth showing him what her mouth could do.


Joe arrived at the diner and climbed out, he was tucking his shirt in as he was walking in the door to find Grace sitting there looking unhappy. " I thought you'd be as excited about our date as I was," she said once he walked over to her.

" I am, what makes you think otherwise?" he asked her quietly.

" You're an hour and twenty minutes late for it," she said to him," I've been excited about this all day."

" Grace, I'm sorry I was late. I just forgot to check the clock, I was tied up," he said to her, "I'd still like to take you to see this movie tonight, but first we need to talk about something."

She looked surprised," We do?" she asked.

" Yes. Did you tell my dad that you and I were dating?" he asked point-blank. " I remember talking to your dad, but I'm not sure what I said exactly. I was kind of excited and words just tumbled out of my mouth," Grace told him," I said something like Joey asked me to the movies and I need the night off for it," she said to him.

Joe looked at her," Grace. I need to know if you said we were dating, not just going to the movies. This is just a date tonight. I'm not exactly looking for a girlfriend right now. I'm about to be a Senior. I have to put in my college applications this summer too," he said to her.

"I understand, we kinda needed to talk about that kinda stuff too, since I know about the friends you keep, I'm not like them...." she smiled, "You know that right?"

Joe raised an eyebrow at her," Something wrong with my friends?" he asked her curiously," I like them."

"Um, Joey isn't Ana pregnant, your best friend? The girl who came in here and ordered the Marshmellow abomination?" she asked him.

Joe frowned at her," You don't like my milkshake? I gave my Dad the idea for that and yeah Ana's pregnant, it happens. You sound like you've never heard of Teen Mothers before, this isn't Ana's fault. It takes two people to get pregnant, her boyfriend moved to a whole other state to ditch her and the baby," he said.

" Look all I'm saying is. I get it, we have to see where this goes. I just don't seem like the type to fit in with your friends is all," she told him.

" Let's just take this one date for now and see if we even like it, before we decide about where it does," he suggested.

" Sure," Grace agreed as she stood up and pulled on her jacket. They walked out to Joe's car.

He drove them to the movies, and she was back to her sweet funny self. He liked her, and he was glad she let him hold her hand.. he stole a few kisses during the movie, and she was leaning her head on his shoulder thru most of it. When they headed back to his car end of the night, he was anxious for a good make-out night, maybe a little foreplay...

He drove over to the docks and parked, the make-out spot for a lot of teenagers. There were no cars here now though, just his. He turned towards Grace," You're so pretty Grace," he said softly, reaching over and running his hand through her blonde hair," I want to kiss you."

"Okay," she smiled, pecking his lips gently, "This is a beautiful spot, the lights are so pretty." Then she rested her head on his shoulder to gaze out the window.

" It's much more beautiful since it's just us. Alone," he hinted. His hand went to her shoulder, trying to push the strap of her dress down. Her hand came up and stopped him, pulling it back and she looked up at him.

" Joe what are you doing?" she asked him.

" Was wondering how soft your skin was, it looks sooo soft to me." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her neck softly and pulled the strap of her dress down again.

"Joe can you stop please?" she asked pulling away and pulling the strap up again as she looked at him.

He sighed," Grace, I'm just trying to have a good time here. We're alone, " he said.

" What did you think would happen if we came up here?" she asked him seriously.

" I was thinking we could lose some of our clothes," he smirked. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it over his head," You can just lose the panties, the dress can stay on. All I need is access and my tongue can do some pretty devilish things," he promised her, leaning towards her.

His hand went to her leg and was slipping up under the skirt of her dress. She pulled his hand back down," Joey. I'm Catholic," she said.

" Mhmm. So is my family," he murmured.

" I take god and promises very seriously. Are you listening to me?" she asked upset pushing him off of her.

"Jesus Grace, what is wrong with you? why are you pushing me away like that?" he asked.

"I'm a virgin, and I don't plan on doing any of these things you're after till I am married to my husband..." she said, "No sex, of any kind..."

Joe looked at her," You can't be serious. No girl that I go to church with beliefs in that anymore. That was from when our parents were kids," he said.

"Well, I do," she said, "Maybe you should just take me home... I don't do this sorta thing."

"Grace come on, you don't even like make out or let a guy touch you?" he asked.

" Absolutely not!" she said horrified, trying to close her legs tighter together as Joe's eyes traveled down there.

" You can't get pregnant by me just looking at you," he chuckled.

" This isn't funny!" Grace said," No one is allowed down there but me when I'm taking a shower."

" No one? You've never touched yourself for a release when you're alone in bed?" he asked curiously," It's much better when someone else is touching you."

"No! I don't....don't touch myself like that," she whispered, her face turning ten shades of red just because they were talking about this.

"Don't you want to know what it feels like though? How wet I can make you, how my fingers feel, touching your most private places? It can feel really good," he promised her as he played with a strand of her hair gently," I'll be gentle I promise. It's not sex, it's just touching Grace. It's so erotic and sensual."

"And I have no interest in those things, not until I am married, please, just take me home!!" she said, trying to move as far away from him as possible.

"You're serious aren't you?" he asked still surprised,' You don't even want to try it?"

"No, I don't, I will when I'm married and that's the only time I will ever be doing those things," she said firmly.

Joe shook his head," Fine," he mumbled with a sigh and reached into his backseat to retrieve his shirt which he has tossed back there and pulled it back on over his head. He couldn't believe this! He could have just stayed at Ana's tonight and played with her as much as he wanted to. He turned the key to start the car up.

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Grace seems wrong for Joey, huh?

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