𝟞 𝕕𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣

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(back to y/n pov)

I hear the faint sound of talking around me as my eyes slowly start to flutter open. I can't seem to remember much from the past few days but I do know when I open my eyes that I'm in the hospital and I'm very dizzy.

"K-karl," I try to say but it comes out as a whisper.

"Did anyone hear that?" George asked.

"Hear what?" Karl questioned.

I tried again, "K-karl."

That time everyone heard me.

"Y/n!" Everyone yelled.

"Shh," I put my finger up to my mouth, "quiet down, damn."

"Glad to see some things haven't changed," Alex laughs.

"You're awake," Karl says looking at me with the biggest smile.

"I am," I say putting my hand up to his face.

"So do you remember what happened y/n?" Sapnap asked.

"Not really," I sighed.

"Dad came back," Alex said shortly, "he broke a couple of your ribs and you ended up in the hospital. Nobody knew if you were gonna wake up."

"Well I'm here very clearly awake," I laugh trying to lighten the mood.

"Obviously," Karl giggles.

The doctor walked in and pulled Alex into the hall for a few minutes to talk to him so I talked to Karl while we waited.

"I told him," Karl said excited, "he gave me full permission to be more than a friend to you."

"Really? How'd you get him to agree so easily?"

"I told him I loved you..."

"Y-you what?" I stutter.

"I love you y/n." He smiles

"I-i love you too Karl." I smile back at him.

Alex walks back in and tells me that in a few hours if I'm still doing okay we get to go home. I can't wait to go back home to be in my own bed and be back with Karl.

While the time passed, they told me how they fixed my door that my dad broke and they bought me a pc setup and everything so I could stream with them. They wanted it to be a surprise but Alex was too excited and spoiled it.

As the last hour of being in the hospital is coming to an end, Karl helps me out of bed so I can go change out of my hospital gown. He helps me to the bathroom and hands me fresh clothes before closing the door behind me.

I had never seen the hoodie he brought me. It was a frog hoodie. I know I didn't buy this hoodie and it was never a part of my wardrobe. I opened the door after I was dressed and questioned him about it.

"Karl, where is this hoodie from?" I ask.

"It's mine," he smiles as he pulls the stuffed frog from the arcade out from behind him.

"I-it's yours?" I smile and take the frog.

"Well, it was but it's yours now." He kisses my cheek.

We finish getting my stuff packed up and then Karl and Alex help me walk to the car. It's definitely a struggle to get there as my ribs hurt  but having the help from the two boys I love most is a big help.

Once we're at the car, they put me in the front seat to make sure I'm not squished in between people and Alex asks Karl to drive. Karl gets into the car and all the rest of them pile into the back.

Karl grabs my hand before he starts driving and holds it. The silence in the car right now is calming, it's very nice to have quiet once in awhile.

Not too long later, we're already in the driveway. I'm not even sure how far the drive was because I was unconscious for the ride to the hospital.

When we got the car turned off Karl and Alex told me to wait in the car until they got to my door so they could help me inside. Once they've got me out of the car, Alex let's go and lets Karl carefully pick me up to carry me inside.

"I'm gonna take y/n up to her room so she can rest and I'll stay with her awhile if that's okay." Karl whispers to Alex.

"Stay with her as long as she needs," he whispers back.

He carefully carries me up to my room and lays me down under the blanket and then cuddles up to me.

"I love you so much y/n," he says with a slight sniffle, "I'm so glad you're okay."

"I love you too Karl." I say back.

And with that, he leans up and kisses me. For the first time since he's been here he's actually kissing me. I feel like sparks are shooting through my body when he does so. It's like a dream.

He stops and gives me a pouty face before letting me rest my head on his chest and fall asleep. And with that, we're both asleep before we know it.

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