𝕂𝕒𝕣𝕝'𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕧

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"Y/n!" I yell loudly as she hits the ground.

I hear footsteps running up the stairs and sirens very near as I start crying. She was unconscious and there was nothing I could do to help her now. I see Alex come around the corner and I quickly put my hand up signaling him to stay where he's at.

Tears are continuously streaming down my face and before I know it cops are coming up the stairs.


Their dad turns around laughing and puts his hands up and I move closer to y/n trying to wake her up but she won't wake up. They put their dad in cuffs and take him downstairs so I signal Alex in. He's crying and George and Sapnap both have tears in their eyes.

"My baby sister," Alex continues crying, "she needs a hospital...NOW!"

At this point he's angry. We all are. We're angry that he came back and we're angry he hurt her like he did. She didn't go to a hospital last time, Alex got to her before it was this bad but he couldn't this time. It was too late for Alex to have saved her like last time.

As Alex was yelling that she needed to go to a hospital, a bunch of EMT's come running up into the room and make us all clear out of the room.

Once we're all out, I walk into Alex's room and slam the door behind me. I sit down and start crying as I rock back forth on the floor. I hear someone knock lightly on the door and I wipe my eyes.

"Come in," I say.

It's Sapnap.

"Hey Karl, what's wrong?"

"Sap," I start almost crying again, "I love her and I didn't get to tell her and now we all have to pray she wakes up again."

I didn't realize Alex was outside the door listening until he comes in.

"Y-you love my sister?" Alex asks wiping his eyes.

I stop, shocked and look at him.

"Alex," I start to cry, "you weren't supposed to find out like this, I had it all planned that I'd ask you if I could take her on a date and everything. Please don't be mad Alex, please."

"Karl," he walks over and sits next to me, "y/n needs someone like you in her life. I wish you would've told me instead of having to find out like this but if she wakes up, you have my blessing to love her."

We call George in the room and all group hug before we run downstairs to the car and get in to drive to the hospital. I was excited to have his blessing but scared that now that I did, she wouldn't wake up. I wasn't gonna leave her side at the hospital until she woke up even if that meant not sleeping.

The ambulance was just getting to the hospital when we got there and Alex and I jumped out of the car booking it over to where she was getting pushed on the stretcher into the hospital. George and Sapnap cut through behind us and went to the waiting room.

The EMT pushing her pushed us away from her, "you two need to wait in the waiting room until she can have visitors."

Alex sighed wanting to cry again. I pulled him in for a hug and told him everything was gonna be okay.

"Try to think positive Alex, y/n would want us to." I say trying to bring a smile to my face.

"You're right," he lifts his head, "y/n would want us to be happy and not miserable while we wait for her."

We walked to the waiting room and it was almost empty besides a young couple sitting in the corner and George, Sap, Alex, and I. It was quiet, just how y/n would like it. If she were in this waiting room right now, she'd be taking in all the silence. She once told me that she never got silence after Alex left her with her dad so when she moved in with Alex, she took in the silence as often as she could. It calmed her. But I also know that she would give anything to be back with our burning pancakes and our dog pile on the couch than be in the dead silence of her hospital room.

We waited hours. Hours and hours went by before we heard anything. The couple had gotten up and left already and George had taken over the corner they were in and fell asleep. Sapnap was on his phone as always and Alex was looking down at his feet. He hadn't moved in hours. I had gotten him a bottle of water but he barely touched it.

Finally, around 4 in the morning, a doctor came into the waiting room.

"Family of y/n?" He looks up from his clipboard.

Alex and I jump up.

"That's us," he says.

"Y/n can have visitors now."

I wake up George and get Sapnap's attention and the 4 of us walk back into her room. She's laying there and she looks so peaceful. I miss her though. I walk over and sit on the edge of her bed and hold her hand in between mine.

"I'm so sorry y/n," my eyes start to tear up again, "if I wouldn't have told you to go back up and study this wouldn't have happened like it did."

I started crying again and Alex walks over and hugs me from the side.

"We love you y/n, all of us do." George and Sapnap shake their heads in agreement.

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