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It was my dad. How did my dad figure out where Alex lived? This was not good. I freak out, opening my door and running down the stairs yelling for Karl. I see him walk around the corner on his phone when he suddenly hears me and comes running to me.

"Y/n!? What's wrong?" He asks me.

I had no idea I was shaking until he's trying to hug me but can't get a good grip on me.

"I-it's my d-dad..." I say, tears streaming down my face.

A sudden knock on the door causes a scream out of me.

"He's at the door Karl," I say screaming into his chest.

He quickly looks back at the door as there is a louder knock and picks me up as he runs up the stairs into my room and locks the door. He let's go of me and suggests calling Alex but I can't find my phone anywhere.

"Here, use mine." He says, shock still on his face.

I quickly snatch the phone out of his hand trying to get to Alex's name but I'm shaking so much I can't get it to scroll. I hand it back and tell him to call Alex because I can't. He quickly dials the number and puts him on speaker.

"C'mon Alex, fucking answer." I say crying just before he answers.

"Alex!" Karl says loudly.

Alex must've heard me crying and says, "why is y/n crying? What's going on?"

I take the phone from Karl as I hear another loud knock.

"Alex," I say, "d-dad's here."

"Shit, y/n stay where you are and Karl if you can hear me, don't let her out of your sight."

"I promise I won't, she's safe with me." Karl says.

As the words leave his mouth we hear a kick at the door and something fall.

"Y/n where are you? I've come to take you home," we hear my dad yell from downstairs.

I scream, "Alex he's in the house."

I can't stop crying now and Karl takes the phone into his hand and pulls me into his chest.

"Shh y/n, it'll be okay, Alex is gonna be here soon." He kisses my forehead.

"I'm almost there y/n," I hear a crack in his voice that sounds like he'll start crying.

I hear shuffling around on the other end of the phone and then Alex hands the phone over to Sapnap.

"Stay on the phone until we're there," Sapnap says.

"We will," Karl and I say at the same time.

I heard slow footsteps start to come up the stairs. My dad. He oversteps all the time and I bet he showed up drunk just like always. The footsteps were getting closer. And closer. And closer.

I had to quiet down so my screaming turned into focusing on Karl's face to keep very little noise from coming from me. I tried to focus on the positives but the only thing I could think was that my abusive dad found me and is gonna hurt me. But Karl wouldn't let that happen right? If my dad somehow got to us would Karl protect me?

The footsteps were now too close for comfort and I could see his shoes under the door. I started to shake more and more and whispered into the phone for everyone to be quiet when the door handle started turning. Luckily Karl locked it or else he would've been trying to beat the shit out of us already.

Then he started punching the door. I could hear the strength behind each hit. Each hit had more and more strength put behind it. Until soon I started to realize the wood of my door was cracking. He was punching a fucking hole through it! The wood cracked all the way through and he punched once more to create a large enough hole for his hand to fit through. Once his hand was through, he unlocked the door and opened it.

I gave off a loud scream before he came through the door and Karl dropped his phone causing it to hang up on Alex. The last thing Alex heard was a scream and the phone dropping. I felt so bad.

My dad walked through the door with a grin on his face before Karl stepped in front of me trying his best to protect me.

"Who the hell are you and why are you protecting her?" My dad yells.

"It doesn't matter who I am," Karl yells back, "but you might wanna fucking leave."

It took me a minute to process the fact Karl had just sworn, especially to my dad, but the thought went away really fast when he shoved Karl to the ground and grabbed my wrist.

"KARL," I scream looking at my dad, "let fucking go of me."

Before I have a chance to process what he said, I'm on the ground barely conscious because he hit me so hard. And he kept hitting me. I heard faint footsteps running up the stairs and the sound of sirens and yelling before everything went black.

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