chapter 16.) oh not this again...

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(Krystal pov)

Tomorrow is the day we go to father's court and I'm worried for hazel I'm not sure how much more she can take "hey hazel are you OK you've been acting... distant lately?" I ask as she picks her new kitten Sebastian up and places him in her bed "I'm fine Krystal nerves as hell but fine " she says hugging the poor cat like a baby while she feeds it milk from a bottle "OK but please put the poor cat down and stop feeding him like a baby he's a kitten that's not how you feed it"I say sarcastically "I know but he is so cute"she says holding him next to her face his multi color eyes wide because of the light making him look so adorable "awwwwww soooooo cute "I say tickling his paws then standing and looking around "I know what you need little baby"I say smiling as I pull a laser out of my dresses and making lil Sebastian run after it as I walk to my bed I accidentally make him run into a few things like the wall and some chairs "here hazel don't stay up to late we wouldn't want you to fall asleep tomorrow "I say throwing her the laser then rolling over to sleep only to be woken by a kitten running up and down my bed I smile "hazel if that's you..."I say turning back over to see hazel being dragged to the window "shit KOURU, HIKARU! " I yell sprinting towards the guy attempting to take my sister from me "get you hands off her " I say kicking the guy in the 'area' he doubles over in pain "bit..."he says as I kick his mouth knocking a tooth out "your the one who started it so 'meehhhh" I say sticking out my y

Tongue at him "you OK hazel" I say and she nods in assurance "why do they always go after you " I say frowning as I help her up "I wish I knew"she says running a hand over her now slightly bruised arm.

(Hazel pov )

"Well I guess I'll go to bed...again"I mutter walking to my bed and lying down to sleep "good night see you in the morning if there are no surprises " Krystal says also lying down "yeah" I say before falling to sleep.

(Time skip morning Krystal pov)
"Morning kyrs "hazel says pulling the covers off my bed
"Aww gimme five more"I mutter "no Krystal you need to get ready for court"hazel whines as I pull my head from beneath the pillow it was under "what?" I say my memory groggy due to the fact it was so early "ah right oh hazel put The blanket back on the bed stop making the maids job harder and also can you get a bath run for me "I mutter slowly waking up more. "Meh OK lavender or coconut? "  hazel asks "hmm rose" I say she nods and gets my clothing ready as the maid dose the bath the bed when I leave it, I walk into the bathroom and dip a toe in the water "hmm perfect" I say as the sent of rose overwhelms me I turn the spa baths jets on and then undress before sliding in and relaxing about ten minutes later I finally get out wearing a towel around myself I go to find a beautiful midnight blue gown spread across the bed the dress was simple and almost like a maids but it had a lace back and huge bow which was attached to the back near the waist "so purdy" I say sliding it over mg still wet hair "hika-kun come do my hair?"I shout "yes dear Krystal " I get in reply as hikaru rushes in to style my hair for me "thanks hika-hika" I say trying a new nickname for him "hmm not as good as Hazels" I mutter while hikaru looks confused "I just realized you and hazel are probably the first ones to tell us apart and ive gotta admitted it's a nice change "he says as he brushes my long hair into pigtails with a thin plait running spiraled through each  my fringe was long over one side and I looked like ceil from black Butler when they dress him like a girl "it's beautiful " I say kissing his cheek before my make up is done, I don't like wearing it but for accessions like this I will tolerate it and when they finally finish 'lightly brushing' make up on I go to have breakfast I take a seat on hikarus knee and get him to feed me like a baby "aww that's kinda cute"hazel says her hair was done in a braid over her shoulder "hmm your hair looks pretty mummy" I giggle childishly "yeah but I'm cutting it short again after this court meeting thing and if dad ends up where he belongs In a cell I might even re-dye it to be blue again" hazel says holding her now grey-blue hair"that's a good idea or you can leave it long and be my identical twin again not just my lil sis"I mutter taking another bite from hikarus spoon "if that's what you want I can do that but I still want blue hair so you'll have to get blue hair to"hazel smiles goofyly at me "I can do that..."I smile "if hikaru and kouru will" I say they sweatdrop at me "dye our hair that could work out"kouru mutters I look at him "it could?" I say I had obviously ment it as a joke but they will do it "y-you don't have to guys it was a joke"I say now the one sweatdroping the twins then dtell us there plan to get haruhi to let them go to her house "uhhu haruhi won't agree and what if she gets it right what's plan b"me and hazel say in unison "plan b is a fight "they reply and explain an extravagant plan I sweatdrop that still might not work and do it after we are finished with all this I wanna see it"I say hazel nodding along "uhhu same"she says then the twins agree and we Finnish breakfast and get ready for the big day of court.

(So I know it's short but I'm gonna do the whole next chapter as the court so that's why sorry for the wait to I have also been trying to fix my Wattpad which has spent the last few days updating and then telling me to turn my Internet on to update and continue chapters which it doesn't usually do -_-# but it's fixed now I have also been invited to be involved in a joint account so I will be writing a creepy paste fanfic with about five other people do read if you want it's on a account called neverleavealone I think so ofcourse there is the trouble of having to log on and of to write but I'll get there
Krystal; I was in this chapter yay
Me:yeah sorry about that I'll do more of your pov
Kouru:hey are we going to haruhis soon
Me:probably now shush
Kouru: oh ok
All: bankenlover owns non of the ohshc characters only her own Kay #^_^
Bankenlover out ~^O^~

seeing double (an ohshc fanfic)(#wattys2015)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن