chapter 8.) the hidden truths

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Krystal pov

"Ugh, Krystal... kouru" hazel mutters walking up "huh hazel HAZ!" I yell running to her in tears "hazel we thought you we dead oh my God hazel he stabbed you twice once through the ribs and once just under you collar bone..."I say just above a whisper "hazel he tried and almost succeeded to kill you father tried to kill you. He's going to jail we're free from him and still together we did it we don't have to put up with him you won't eyes hurt anymore i-im hear" I say as the host club rush in "guys she's alive she's OK"I cry into her shoulder and she winced in pain "Krystal it still hurts" she whines "I know but at least your alive"I say with tears of joy and sorrow mixing on my cheeks "and were hear for you all of us" I say looking around "our whole family tamaki is the daddy,koyoa is the mummy, honey and mori are the big brothers, hikaru and kouru are our crushes and we are the little sisters who will from now on never be unloved" I say as everyone but tamaki and kyoya nod in agreement "wait why are those shady twins the crushes?" Tamaki says utterly confused "ah oh um...  guys we're kinda engaged to the twins it was meant to be announced tomorrow on the news but I think that they will be distracted by our father's trial" Krystal explains and I nod along "krys I think that that song will have to wait a while" hazel says smileing "well at least you can still joke around but hazel you need rest so I will ex plain the whole story to the guys and you sleep Kay?" I say tilting my head and giving her a lopsided smile "oh OK don't bore them " she giggles which turns in to a cough "just get your rest let me take care of the boring stuff, guys come on " I say getting up and kidding Hazels forhead before leaving with the host club hot in pursuit "OK so  I guess this all started a few years ago when mother died " I start only to be inturupted by kyoya "she died from poisoning which was made to look like she drown" he says I look at him "that f***er murdered my mother" I state and kyoya stares at me "you didn't know?" He says I shake me head and start crying "all this time I thought she drowned in the currents but that f**king asshole murdered her and got away with it didn't he well the f***er got what was coming for him thank you kyoya" I say he honestly looked shocked "for what my dear I have just told Tokyo that your father murdered your mother most likely for money and your thanking me" he states "I'm thanking you because other wise I would have never known and he could have gotten away with it " I say looking at him seriously "any way after that father falsely accused hazel of it all every night he would either physically or mentally abuse her and I would stand and stare, he never hurt me or threatened me ever only hazel.. " I say yet again getting interupted "but at our house you said... " hikaru said as I cut him off "it was all an act so that you and you mother would  take Portugal and help us I'm sorry I couldn't let hazel her hurt any more I never meant for father to lash out like that but in a way I'm glad he did or we would never be free of him" I say to them looking down "right so everyone knew that she was getting abused but know one did anything about it not even me her own sister I was to weak and I just pretended that it would all get better but it never did not till father sent us hear to Japan he said 'I can't stand you ugly faces any more you take all my money and you took my wife ' and then sent us hear I no we have spent the last few years in Japan we only started at school this year because father refused to pay us any more money" I say they all seemed to understand" so you have been in Japan for like two three years working at numerous different jobs to earn money to go to school " hikaru starts "then how did you start at ouran" kouru finished "oh well our mother's mother sent us the money and applacation forms we never even knew her only her name " I state blankly "what was her name?" Tamaki asks "uh it is shizue de grantaine I beleive " I say as tamaki's eyes widden in shock and he falls to his knees "sill Krystal that's tama-chans grandmother" honey says "and her last name is souh like tama-chans " I stare at them the gesture for kyoya to come forward "kyoya did you know that mine and Hazels mother was senpies Auntie cause if you di..." I was saying as kyoya shook his head"I did not know it was not In you files but if you want to know if it's true them come with me both of you" he says walking towards the hospitals main office "OK" I say dragging tamaki behind me when we arrive I realize why he go us to go "oh um I just realized that I have business to attend to so Ill just be in this closet if you need me "I say crawling into a closet that had lab coats in it "what business could you possibly have in a closet Krystal " they both say "oh I see krystal we aren't going to use the needles to get your DNA we only need a drop so we have a special pen that will prick you finger the point of it is like an acupuncture neddle it's so thin you can't feel a thing OK?" He says hissing the neddles from sight "oh I guess that is better than a needdle " I mutter coming out of the closet "but kyoya when your done can I have a lolly pop" I say with a smile "I don't see why not" he mutters pricking my finger "oww hey you said it wouldn't hurt" I mutter as he takes the small drop of blood welling up on my finger "the perfect amount tamaki you turn" kyoya says writing my name on the small vile "uh OK but I want a lolly to" he says holding his hand out kyoya puts down the small pen like thing "oh no daddy we don't use the special pen on you " kyoya says holding up a pin with a smirk "who's the homosexual side cast now daddy" he says stabbing tamaki's finger "thanks the Lilly's should be over there I'll get back to you soon on wethre you DNA matches or not " kyoya says labeling tamaki's vile the putting them into a machine "thanks again kyoya" I say skipping back to the others with a blue lolly in my mouth "oh wait " I run back and hand a note to kyoya "for the Lolly I wouldn't want you to lose prophets senpie " i say then start skipping again.

(Hazel pov )

"Hey kouru come hear " I say kinda spaced out "yes hazel " kouru says looking utterly confused "huh what's up why do you look so confused is pretty strait forward my dad spent the last two years or so abuseing me and the he stabbed me in your home what's so confusing about that?" I asks trying to find the pulse in my arm "oh my God you really didn't know did you?" He says looking at me "what don't I know kouru? " I asks finally finding my pulse and imidiately calming down with the soothing constant beat "your father poisoned your mother and covered it up to make it look like she drowned and Krystal and tamaki have gone with kyoya to find out if you related because you have the same grandmother " he says so fast I almost couldn't understand "holy shit that's quite a lot to take in " I say lying back strangleing my hand "hazel why are you killing your hand " kouru asks "oh I uh I find it comforting to feel my pulse but I uh I guess sometimes I get a little forcing" I say slowly letting my now purple wrist go "well don't hurt you pretty little hands any more just let me help by doing..."kouru says walking up to me a sweet smile on his face he grabs my hand and places it over his heart"this" he finishes I look up at him "kouru I love you and I want to be your fiance no one else's " I confess even though I already know he knows "and I I want to live with you and your mother if that's OK with you"I say looking down he smiles down at me then tilts my head up "hazel anything for you my love anything at all" he Says then kisses me and leaves I put my hand to my lips and smile at the warm fuzzy feeling that was left on them "hmm anything? " I mutter to myself and smile deviously

Hello my faithful readers I hope you don't mind the endless curseing but I needed to make it realistic ya-know. Any ways you know the drill vote coment I own non of the ohshc characters only hazel Krystal and their father (that basted can rot In he'll) and I would like to point out that even though this is baised from mine and my best freind personality this has never happened to ether of us i just wrote our personalitiys to be similer kay just wanted you to know.

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