Explaining: Documents (Part 1)

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**I'm feeling very happy so.... I shall release another one. I'm already working on part 9-**

**This is what all of the scps are like. This also what they look like-!**

Documented by: Dr.[REDACTED]

Scp 5026/ Tommy:

Object Class: Keter

Seems to take the appearance of a male English seventeen year old. Blond hair, one light blue eye and one completely white. We are not sure if it is blind in that eye.

It has a t-shirt that red and white. Beige pants and a black and white pair of sneakers. Its tail is very thin and most likely sensitive. The tail seems to be four feet long and is normally wrapped around it's leg. Horns stick out of it's head. The horns are, at least, the length of 7.5 inches. The horns are rapped in vines that have many poisonous flowers (I'll explain in the next Explaining: Documents-!). It has at least 3 different types of poisonous flowers.

It seems injured, but it won't let us get close. It seems to be protective of the other two in the room with it, despite being injured. It has injured one doctor and 13 guards. It killed only 4 guards.

The containment that it is in is being kept as a forest like structure. It must be contained within a forest like setting. It is NOT to leave it's containment along with the other two.

**I will be putting the flower's that Tommy has in the next chapter-!

Its not a long chapter and I am sorry about that but if I were to add the flowers, it would end up being too long-**

Word Count: 260

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