I nodded my head. "Makes sense. I should get back to my class now." I got up to leave. "Shota, one more thing." I turned around. "What is it?" Nezu cleared his throat. "I have been thinking about the student you want me to transfer into your class. And I decided that first I want to see how well he does at the sports festival, since he doesn't have a combat related quirk."  I sighed. "You really don't want him in the hero course, do you?"

Nezu shook his head. "It's not that at all! I don't want him to get hurt is all. Please continue to train him, but I will like to see his progress and see if he has any talent at all in being a hero before I transfer him over." I nodded my head and headed back to class.

Shoto Todoroki P.O.V.

I was horrified when Midoriya came in covered in blood, and the fact he felt no remorse was disgusting. But after we found out it was his own. I was disgusted with myself at just assuming. And when Bakugo and Iida came in fine, I was embarrassed at the fact that I thought Midoriya could hurt someone to the point where he was covered in blood. "Shame on me really. I should stop assuming things."

When we started walking back to class, everyone was whispering about Midoriya. But they actually kept it quiet enough for him not to hear it. "I can't believe he was just messing with them! Bakugo is so strong, you would think he would at least try and beat them out of respect for that, right?" "Yeah, that is kinda a terrible thing to do right?" I sighed. "You guys shouldn't just assume things. They obviously have some sort of a past that we know nothing about."

Hagakure and Mina looked up at me. "Y-yeah your right about that. But what about Iida? He has nothing to do with it." I crossed my arms. "That's probably why he used the scare tactic. So, he wouldn't get involved." "Yeah, Todoroki is right, we shouldn't assume things and he didn't hurt Iida at all!" Uraraka came over to support what I was saying. Both Hagakure and Mina looked at each other sighed and rubbed the back of their heads.

A few minutes passed and we all went into the classroom and sat down. Midoriya was the last one to enter the classroom. But what surprised us all was Bakugo looking as crushed as he did. "Never thought that he would look so defeated." When Midoriya passed him, he looked up and asked him why he hated him so much.

The entire class held their breath, waiting for the disaster to unfold in front of us. All our faces went white when Izuku's face changed to one filled with rage. But he took a deep breath and calmed down. And right as we all thought that he was going to ignore him and we avoided a horrible situation. Midoriya turned around started talking in a cool hateful tone and the classroom grew even more tense than before.

By the time it was all over Bakugo was left crying and Midoriya was pulled from the class. We all wanted to pity Bakugo. But for anyone to hate anyone as much as Midoriya hates Bakugo, he must've done something.

But no one dared to talk. Everyone was afraid to cause a bigger issue. But eventually Bakugo wiped away his tears but he still looked broken, and he did for the rest of the day. In fact, the entire class was silent for the rest of the day. No one felt like talking after what happened to Bakugo.

Even when Momo and I walked back to the dorms together, we didn't talk. Until towards the end when she looked up at me with a concerned look. "I think you should stay away from Midoriya." I looked at her shocked. "What? Why?" She scoffed. "Do you even need to ask that?!" I sighed. "We don't know what happened. We have no right to judge him."

Momo shook her head. "He is dangerous. Its written all over him. Please just stay away from him. He is broken goods." This time I scoffed at her. "Would you want people to stay away from me just because I'm broken goods?!" She looked up and me and sighed before looking away.

"You're different Shoto. You aren't angry and you don't toy and hurt people. He does! There is just something wrong with him. You should stay away from him.... At least that is what everyone else decided to do." I glared at her.

"So, you guys just want to give up when the going gets tough with someone?! How can you say you want to be a hero when you're ready to give up on someone who is clearly hurt so quickly?! Its selfish Momo." She shoot her head up and gave me a hurt look. "Protecting yourself is not selfish Shoto! The fact that you are questioning why I want to become a hero really hurt you know?"

I shook my head. "What happened?" She gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?" I sighed. "I pushed you away. I was hateful and awful to you when you tried becoming friends with me. But now you're turning your back on someone who needs someone like that. So, what happened to the Momo that would go through thick and thin with someone who needed help?"

Tears started forming in her eyes. "I'm not a foolish child anymore Shoto! I can recognize when someone is a lost cause! And that is what Midoriya is! Everyone but you sees it. And I will be waiting for you when you come back to your senses." Then she stormed off crying. I felt a deep pit in my stomach and my heart was broken.

"I'm sorry Momo, but I know I'm right." I opened the door to the dorms and went to my room. "There is more to his story than we know, and he will need someone to be here for him." I put my bag down and looked in the mirror.

"And I want that to be me." 

A/N: Hey everyone! Hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I just got my second vaccine today so if I don't post for the next couple of days that's why. I still plan on posting, but if I don't you know why. And just in case it was a little confusing. Izuku hates Bakugo because they were still best friends when they were little, but Bakugo just left him like everyone else. Among other reasons that you will find out later. As always thank you for reading, feel free to leave feedback, and have a good day. :)

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