Chapter 1 - The Devil Is Also An Angel

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a very long time ago, when the universe was still very young. there was an angel born of inner light. He was the second born son of God. The angel was named Samael, which came to mean the Light Bringer or more commonly known as Morningstar. God created Adam, and then Eve. He called them the perfect creation for earth and entrusted them to take care of it. Eve had been created just for Adam, a soulmate suited just for him. God told them both that they could eat any food found in the garden of Eden except for the forbidden fruit. It was found in the center of the garden on a magnificently huge tree, both Adam and Eve found the fruit very convincing but headed Gods warning. The fall was inevitable. In Adam's defense, he fell for the most beautiful woman on earth.


Samael was blinded by Eve's beauty and wished to be with her despite Gods instructions to make no contact with any human that he created. So while Sam's father was sitting on his throne in high heaven, he snuck down to earth in the form of a beautiful gold and white snake. He approached Eve with a mischievous glint in his eyes, she noticed the beautiful snake and approached it carefully hoping it would let her pick it up, to her surprise it was very friendly and it slithered right into her arms. She started to talk to Sam as if he was an old friend and eventually she asked him a question, "Why didn't God give me a choice" she said and to her shock the snake replied "Because he cares for all living things and saw that you and Adam could care for each other when you two needed it most". Eve shrieked and threw the snake to the ground, but when she turned around to see where the talking snake had gone, she found that it had vanished without a trace.


Samael returned to heaven with a heavy heart knowing that Eve would try to find the snake, he told his father what she had fed to herself and Adam, God was furious. As Eve ate the forbidden fruit she was enchanted by its taste, it was sweet yet sour representing the liberties and problems that come with knowledge. Sure enough, as she had expected, God came down in a ball of light, it was beautiful. He was sitting in a silver and gold chariot pulled by two huge, white stallions. At his sides there were two angels, one had a pair of crooked, jet black wings while the other had magnificent, bright white wings, the angels themselves were a sight to behold. "I am sorry, but all I wanted was to apologize to the snake!" God replied with a deep and mature voice "I do not care for your pets here on earth, however I am deeply disappointed in you Eve, you and Adam are forever more banned from the Gardens of Eden" and with a sudden flash they were gone. Eve started to walk away when she realized that one of the angels was still present so she bowed down not knowing what else to do.


"Stand up Eve" Sam said with a relaxed and sorrow full angelic voice, "I have stayed to deliver a message, you shall give birth to two sons in seven years time, one will kill the other, you will be full of sadness, after three years you shall give birth to three daughters, they will re-fill your life with happiness" with that Samael turned to leave when it finally clicked, he was the snake, they have the same voice. Eve was glad the angel stayed behind, she ran up to him and hugged him. "I'm so sorry how I treated you, you didn't deserve me throwing you." Sam backed away and opened up his wings, and Eve watched him fly away.


When Samael returned to the silver city, God had a plan for Sam and his sister Azrael to carry out on earth. God said "you are to remove all second born children from every family, and bring them here for hell is not where they belong". "But father...." "Do not interrupt me or defy me Samael just do it, for humanity has fallen to temptation". Samael left with his sister instantly and that night his ears rang with prayers, screaming and pleading. "please don't, NOOO, please angel, I beg you!" When Samael returned to heaven he ran up to his fathers throne, "those families do not deserve that father! They were innocent" God was getting angry, "Do not defy my plan Samael" "I will if it means saving lives!" At that God yelled "SAMAEL, SECOND BORN, YOU ARE BANISHED FROM HEAVEN TO RULE HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY FOR DEFYING ME". A sudden gust of wind appeared and pushed Samael out and his wings wouldn't budge as he could feel the air get hotter and hotter.

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