"Anyone else gone missing?" 

"Not from my pack, but my two neighbours, yeah." I looked at him shrewdly because I knew the truth, but he had more information than I needed. I would call out his misinformation later.

"How do you know this?"  I asked, leaning forward and grabbing a pen and paper. 

"When Vince was missing for over a week, I asked my neighbours if they had seen him. Of course, they hadn't, but it made them realise that some of their members had gone."

"Got names?" 

"When you asked me to come here, I went to my closest two packs." Alpha Reed reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a piece of lined paper. Reed had folded it twice, unfolding it and pushing it across the desk towards me. There was a list of 4 names from two packs. 

Mike Hurst - Dixie Pack 

Russell Wilks - Sawtooth Pack 

Jackie Wilks - Sawtooth Pack

Waylon Kilt - Dixie Pack

"And these men all had previous breeder issues?" 

"Yeah, I asked the Alphas."

"I will regret asking, but what did they do?"

28 and living with the Dixie Pack in Utah. 
He has no mate and one breeder, who he has two children by
No employment and charged with gross negligence
His breeder and baby were found dead at the house due to Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from a tampered pipe with Mike's fingerprints.

He admitted to attempting to 'fix' the pipe but was charged with negligence, and his living child, his son, was taken and raised by Mike's sister - a non-breeder. He says he didn't want his breeder to die, but reports say he was outraged when she gave birth to a girl the second time around, and neighbours saw his breeder with bruises just before her death. He was refused a second breeder. 

40 and 30 years old and living with the Sawtooth Pack in Idaho
They have been mated for five years, but Russell has two ex-breeders. He has ten children with the ex-breeders and none with his mate. 
He was the Principal of the Pack High School, and she was a cook. 
Reports are his mate was furious that the breeders were getting "their hard-earned money", and she was hurt that they could not have children. They did not want breeders to be treated as citizens. She wanted mated couples to decide the fate of the children and not include the breeders in their choices. Russell was a good dad until he met Jackie. 

46 and living with the Dixie Pack in Utah
No mate and no breeder 
He was denied getting a breeder after killing his parents when he was 16. He killed his parents because the Alpha told me they had come to his father asking for permission to marry and be mated rather than breeder and owner. His father loved his mother, but Waylon was teased and ostracised by his friends because his parents were going against the rules. He does not want breeders and non-breeders to be allowed to be anything more than owners and property. 

"This Russell seems controlled by his mate."

"Yeah, I asked Alpha Connell about Jackie Wilks, and he called her a ball buster. She grew up in the Sawtooth Pack, not Russell. Jackie and Russell met at a teaching conference five years ago, and Russell was living with the Tonto Pack in Arizona. His ex-breeder and children still live there." 

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