"I told you Ma that we shouldn't go to theatres today when you were feeling down. It was a bad idea." Shane entered the room and I gave him a tired smile.

"You guys worry too much, I am okay. I just need to sleep and I'll be fine." My words coming out in whisper.

I knew I was not fine, we all knew that.

"I love you." I whispered to Caden, looking at those dark eyes, I didn't know for how long I'd be able to look at those beautiful dark orbs.

"I love you too, Sunshine."

This nickname.

It still has that same old effect on me.

He pressed his lips against mine in a soft kiss and kissed my forehead, looking at me longingly. Gosh, I love him, I love him so much.

"Goodness, dad, it's still weird to look at you guys go all mushy and sweet." Fiona made a face at us and Shane agreed, making both of us laugh.

"Do you see me complaining when you fall all over your dear husband?" She blushed a dark side of pink and we laughed even more.

"True that." I heard the voice of my best friend, Grace and a huge smile appeared on my face.

"Gracie, what are you doing here?" She was in Dubai and wasn't supposed to return for two more days.

"Finished early and was missing you like crazy, so came here the first thing after landing." She hugged me and I hugged her back.

Meeting her felt so good. It was not like I was seeing her after ages, she keeps on visiting every other day, regularly and she had been doing this for years along with Joshua, but I was just not expecting her today, not at my very lowest.

"Where is Joshua?" I asked.

"Right here." He came through the doors and hugged me as well making me smile even wider.

"I missed you guys." Fiona said and Grace ruffled her hair.

"We missed you too, kiddo."

"Aunt Gracie!" She complained.

"I am going to miss you all so much." She complained again, clearly not wanting to go at her house, just like every time she comes for her stay.

"We will miss you too, FiFi." Shane teased her as she smacked his head, they both were still kids.

And then just like that, all of a sudden, I felt a sudden pain, "Caden—" I parted my lips, trying to call his name louder, but I had no energy left in me, but he heard me.

"Sunshine? Fuck, baby are you okay? You are clearly not." Tears started pouring out it his eyes and as much as I tried to control my tears, they came out rolling down the side of my cheeks looking at him in so much pain.

"Shane, call the doctor, quick!"

"Caden," I whispered his name again, as he held me close to him in his arms.

"Yes, baby?" He spoke through the tears.

"It's time."

"No, NO! Don't say that, it's not your time it's too early. You can't leave me alone. Please, stay with me." He rubbed my tears as I closed my eyes briefly.

"SHANE, FAST!" From the corner of my eyes, I could see my babies crying. Jennifer, Shane's wife came downstairs as well who was putting the kids to sleep after hearing so much commotion and started crying as well.

"Don't, Shane." I said and Shane shook his head, rubbing his tears, "Please, Ma. Keep your eyes open."

"Mom, you ain't going nowhere!" Fiona begged me and so did Jennifer who was like my second daughter.

"Rosa, stay strong! Nothing is going to happen." I heard Grace calling out my name, I could hear Joshua asking me to stay strong, but I had been strong enough and now I couldn't.

It was over.

"I love you, Sunshine. I love you so fucking much." I kissed him lightly on the lips and passed him the biggest smile that I could muster, "Promise me something, Caden."

"Anything." He whispered back.

"Promise me that you would take care of yourself and the kids. Don't be so hard on yourself, please." He cried even harder.

"How can I live without you? I won't be able to live without you, Sunshine."

And all I could do was smile.


The last thing I heard was the cries of my family and I couldn't even be there to make them stop crying because I was the reason why they were crying. It was a beautiful journey though.

A very beautiful one, but just like that, it ended.

And That was it.

The end of my journey and what better way to die than in the arms of your love?


I am crying.

Like I legit cried while writing this chapter.

And this is it, the end of this book. I hope you all enjoyed it. I am gonna miss you all so freaking much. This was my first attempt on writing a noncliché book and it turned out to be my favourite amongst all the books that I have ever written.

Thank you so much for supporting me to the very end.

I love you guys.


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