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Mercury closed her laptop, bored in her small bedroom. She had just finished watching YouTube videos of people hanging out with their friends. Despite, Mercury being well known in town she did not have anyone in her life that she could call a friend. Mercury felt lonely most of her days, as she did not have anyone to spend her days with. She would always try her hardest in making friends, reading books on how to socialize, yet despite all her efforts she was still by herself. Mercury would often blame herself for not having friends. She felt that maybe just maybe if she were more nicer then people would want to hang out with her. This led her to be often walked all over, her heart often broken after multiple failed friendships that she poured all her energy and time into. It happened so often she believed she was the issue.

Although, this was what she was feeling internally, she always no matter what wanted to treat people with kindness because she would hate for someone to feel the emotions of insecurity and loneliness that she had within herself. She was always there for people that wouldn't in a million years be there for her. She always had the desire to help others, even if the cost was herself.

Mercury walked out of her bedroom, as she was getting a headache from thinking too much. She walked into her living room to see her mother, Sarah, smoking marijuana while making another painting. Mercury loved her mother and her beautiful paintings, she loved how artistic and free her mother was and could only hope that one day she would have the ability to be more like her mother.

"Mercury, what are you up to. You shouldn't be in your room all day, go outside and socialize. It's not healthy, dear." Her mother advised, as she took another puff out her blunt.

"I know Mom, it's just- you wouldn't understand." Mercury said, as she did not want to overwhelm anyone with her emotions and feelings. Mercury knew she did not have any friends. The only person she considered a close friend was Donovan. And even Donovan sometimes hurt her feelings. 

Although from her perspective, Donovan did not seem to like having her around. She believed that she annoyed him a lot, and despite believing that she could't stay away from him too long. She enjoyed his company, however she did not really enjoy the moments he was mean to her. But, she loved his presence, and she would often think that at least she had Donovan, it was better than being completely lonely. 

Mercury planned on rotting in her bedroom for the remainder of the day, but when she checked her phone she was realized it was barely 11 am. She had no idea what she wanted to do but she knew she would rather spend her day with Donovan, then laying in bed thinking alone she felt in this world. 

She decided she would just show up to his apartment unexpectedly and spend the day with Donovan. She planned on surprising him, as she also knew he would be by himself as well, since Donovan usually scared people away. Mercury knew that Donovan hated the world, so he would almost always just be sitting in his apartment lonely. 

She put on a white mini sundress that had small daises around it, and white sandals that showed off her fresh pedicure. The town always seemed to have very hot weather, and as a result she usually wore less clothing. She then put on some light makeup which included some concealer for her dark circles, some blush, and mascara. She also personally liked putting white eyeliner in her waterline, because she believed it made her eyes bigger. She also had a very unhealthy obsession with blush and anything that contained the color pink. She wasn't sure why she was putting in some effort into her appearance when she was going to see Donovan. She didn't realize that she would often put in some effort into her appearance when she knew Donovan was going to be around. Once she was ready, she headed off to Donovan's apartment. 

Donovan was searching for a new show to binge watch, as he was impatiently looking at all the titles presented on Netflix. He then heard a soft knock coming from the door, which immediately alerted him. Alec was going to be at work for the entirety of the day, so hearing someone knock on the door caught him off guard immediately. 

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