Daddy's Here

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It had been a slow day. Bakugo and Kirishima where watching Princess and The Frog together in Bakugo's dorm. Kirishima adored how his baby loved Disney Princess movies, he was absolutely the most cutest thing! Bakugo giggled to himself while watching, it was clear he was going to slip into his littlespace at any moment. Kirishima had gotten pretty good at picking up on the signs. He got up and grabbed the ash blonde's paci, holding it up to his baby's mouth, who gladly took to and started sucking on it. Kirishima smiled at the boy who was giggling while watching a Disney movie, sitting there in just a diaper, and sucking a pacifier. He really loved everything about Bakugo, even his adorable little side.


Today was the day. The League of Villains had been planning their attack on UA for weeks  and today was the day their plans went into action. "Alright," Shigaraki said, "You know the plan. Attack the dorms, hold the students hostage. Severely hurt anyone who fights back. Only kill them if they don't back off." Everyone nodded and the invasion begun.


"What the hell?" Bakugo said, spitting his pacifier out of his mouth. Kirishima looked out window. "IT'S THE LEAGUE! WE GOTTA WARN EVERYONE!" Bakugo nodded, quickly putting a t-shirt and some pants over his diaper, there was no time to take it off. The two headed down to the common room to meet up with everyone. All of class 1A was there by the time the two rushed down...along with Dabi who was standing near the enterance. "Listen up. We don't want any trouble. Just gonna keep you here for a while as hostages. Don't fight back and no one has to die," Then Dabi smirked, "Unless you want to fight, and make this interesting?"

Bakugo gritted his teeth. "What are these idiots planning??!" He thought. He was ready to attack him but Kirishima held him back. "No Bakugo! No one else is going to fight, let's just cooperate for now!" "What...?" Bakugo said. He looked around. Everyone looked content, even Deku wasn't going to fight back. Bakugo became filled with rage. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU? NOT ONE OF YOU FUCKING IDIOTS IS GOING TO FIGHT BACK? HEROES, MY FUCKING ASS!"

And with that, Bakugo lunged at Dabi, attempting to explode him to bits. Dabi dodged the attack. He chuckled, looking at Bakugo. To the untrained eye, it would be hard to see, but for a long time caregiver like Dabi, he knew a diaper bulge when he saw one. "Look Bakugo, I really did try to protect your secret but now you're just asking for it! Didn't I tell you to stay out of the leagues way?" Kirishima was confused at first but quickly connected the pieces, Dabi somehow knew that Bakugo was a little. The rage-filled boy didn't seem to care about a word Dabi had said, taking another swing at him. This time, Dabi grabbed him, swinging him over his shoulder, getting close to his ear. He whispered to the boy, "Listen baby. You'll behave or else I'll show all your classmates how big of a baby you are.". He patted Bakugo's diapered butt to prove he meant business. Bakugo's eyes went wide. He's bottom lip started to quiver, just the thought of the others finding out terrified him. Dabi took his chance and threw the boy across the room, knocking him unconscious. "BAKUGO!" Kirishima screamed, rushing to the boys side. Now he was upset...angry.

"Why...USING PERSONAL INFORMATION TO ATTACK HIM? THAT'S NOT MANLY AT ALL! THAT'S DISGUSTING!" Kirishima said, as he activated his quirk. He threw a flurry of punches at Dabi, who avoided all but the last punch. He was sent flying back into the wall. He slowly got up, "Oh? So it's like that huh? That means you must be daddy dearest, no?" Dabi said, malice dripping from his voice.

Kirishima charged him again, but this time Dabi shot a beam of blue flames at him. He quickly blocked it, using his quirk on his arms to shield himself. "SOMEONE GO ALERT THE TEACHERS!" Kirishima yelled. Quickly, Iida ran out to find help. "Kirishima!" Midoriya called out, "Let's do this!" Kirishima smiled, looking back and seeing all of his classmates behind him, ready to fight. "Tch. What part of don't fight back did you not understand? Not worth it, I'm out." Dabi said, leaving. Kirishima couldn't believe it! What a coward!

He quickly rushed back to Bakugo's side. "Bakugo! Wake up!" He didn't...Kirishima put his head against Bakugo's chest. "He's still breathing...good." Soon, Iida came rushing back in. "The teachers are currently fighting off the rest of the villains. It seems they underestimated the students, most fled." Kirishima picked up Bakugo off the floor. "Once they're gone we'll take him to Recovery Girl." Kirishima held back tears. He tried to stop Bakugo...when he should have backed him up instead, and helped him.


It had been a week since the attack. Bakugo hadn't gotten out of his bed at all during that time. He also refused to slip into littlespace He had no serious injuries and no one figured out that he was diapered that day. Kirishima figured he was traumatized and depressed. That situation must have been hard...with no one there to help him. Not to mention, Dabi almost outted him to the whole class.

Kirishima knocked on Bakugo's dorm room before entering. "Come in." Bakugo said plainly. "Hey," Kirishima said, "I brought you a snack!" He said, holding up a popsicle. Bakugo held out his hand, "Thanks..." He took a bite, giving a small smile. That made Kirishima happy, it had been hard to get his baby to smile. "Alright," Kirishima thought, "Next step is to get him to go into littlespace. All this pent up stress is gonna make him crack if he doesn't relieve it."

"Hey buddy?" Kirishima said softly, sitting on the end of the bed. "Yeah?" Bakugo responded, chomping down on his popsicle. "You wanna watch a movie and snuggle?" Bakugo just looked away, shaking him head. Kirishiam sighed. "Bakugo you haven't slipped for a week! Aren't you going to crumble under all that stress?" Bakugo's eyes teared up, as he crawled on the bed over to his daddy, crying into his chest. "I want to! I really want to! B-but I'm so scared someone will see! I don't ever want anyone to know!" Bakugo said through his tears. Kirishima rubbed his little boy's head. "It's okay, daddy's here. I one will ever use this against you again...and no one will ever hurt you again..."

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