Accidents Happen, So Do Tantrums

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Bakugo was running. He didn't dare look behind him. It was chasing him. He didn't want to get caught. Death was certain if he did. So he just kept running. Running and running and run-

"BAKUGO!" Kirishima shouted worriedly, shaking the boy awake. "H...huh?" He said, sitting up. "You were crying in your sleep...and well uh-" Kirishima pointed down at the sheets. Bakugo looked down. "SHIT" He screamed, putting his head in his hands. "Hey, Bakugo...It's okay...let's talk about this-" "NO!", Bakugo interrupted, "I don't want to." He signed, "Now help me out. I needa clean this damn mess up and then get ready for class." Kirishima shook his head. "Not until we talk about this." He said, standing up and picking up Bakugo. "L-LET ME GO!!" He didn't listen.

He placed Bakugo on his lap, not caring that his pyjama pants were soaked. "Tell me what happened. Were you having a nightmare?" Bakugo's face was turning red with anger. "I JUST TOLD YOU! I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL, SHITTY HAIR!" Bakugo struggled to escape Kirishima's grasps but the redhead was able to overpower him by using his quirk.

"Listen here young man", Kirishima spoke calmly, "Our rules clearly state no yelling, no swearing and to listen to me. That's three rules broken. Unfortunately, I don't have time to enforce a punishment, but I promise you'll receive one later." Bakugo had chills. He'd never seen Kirishima act like this...and he kind of liked it. "Hmpf. Whatever." He said confidently.

Kirishima held onto Bakugo for a while longer, just until he calmed down. "Crap", Bakugo said once he was let go, "Come on, we gotta hurry or we're gonna be late." "Right!" Kirishima agreed. That scary and serious energy had just vanished. Bakugo got chills again. The two cleaned up the wet bed and parted ways to get ready for school. They met up in the classroom as the bell rang.


"What a boring lesson", Todoroki thought, "We already know all of this. Why are we relearning it?" He sighed. "I wonder why Bakugo decided to study with Kirishima yesterday? I'll ask at lunch I suppose..." He was in luck, as the bell rang signalling the beginning of lunch. 

As expected, Kirishima and Bakugo sat together. Todoroki sat down with them. "Hey Bakugo? Mind if I talk to you?" Bakugo grunted. "Not right now icy-hot!" He looked over a Kirishima who was giving him a disapproving look. Kirishima scooted closer to whisper in Bakugo's ear, "Remember buddy, you still have a punishment pending. Do you wanna make it worse?" Bakugo blushed a bit then sighed, turning back to Todoroki. "Yeah? What do you want?" Todoroki grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the table and to the bathroom.

"I thought we were going to play together yesterday?" Todoroki said bluntly. Bakugo facepalmed. "Shit! I forgot! A lot happened...fuck!" The dual-haired boy grabbed his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. I'm assuming that 'a lot' has to do with Kirishima? I saw the look he gave you." Bakugo blushed. "Y-yeah!? So what!?" Todoroki chuckled. "I'm happy for you. Now we both have caregivers." Bakugo just looked away. "The jerk's already gonna punish me. I didn't do shit!!" Todoroki just patted Bakugo's head, giving him a soft smile.

He stopped and thought for a minute, "Now that you have a caregiver, can I tell Midoriya?" Bakugo shook his head vigorously. "Absolutely not!! Deku would fuckin make fun of me! He can't have a one-up on me!" Todoroki shrugged, "If you say so."

Midoriya and Todoroki are really good friends. Unfortunately for Todo, the green haired boy walked in on him once while he was in littlespace. Midoriya, being Midoriya, did as much research on it as he could. He really wanted to help his friend out, so he decided to become his caregiver. Bakugo thought it was a really sweet story, even though he didn't think Deku was a good fit for a caregiver at all.

The boys exited the bathroom and sat back down at the table with Kirishima. "I didn't know you two were friends?" The redhead said. "Yeah", said Todoroki, "Littlespace friends." He said bluntly. Bakugo put his hand over the dual haired boys mouth. "You can't talk about that when there's others around, dumbass!!" He said, panicking. "Bakugo!", Kirishima said sternly, to which Bakugo lowered his hand. Kirishima was surprised about Todoroki's statement. He came off as emotionless most of the time. "Wonder what he's like in littlespace?" He thought.

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