A Date With Daddy

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It had been almost a week since the incident. Bakugo had fallen into a daily routine; Wake up from that terrible reoccurring nightmare, get changed out of his soggy diaper, go to class, come back to the dorm, get changed into comfy little clothes and a diaper, relax. It was like a dream come true. Not to mention, how happy he was that he and Kirishima were officially dating after their kiss. He loved him so much, and Kirishima loved him back, big or little.

The two spent so much time together that Kirishima was rarely ever in his own dorm. He only went their to change and get his stuff for school. They were both so madly in love that neither of them saw the challenge ahead of them.


"Shigaraki!", called Dabi, knocking on his door, "Come on out sweetheart, you haven't had a bath for 3 days now!" He wasn't listening. He continued to angrily type on this phone. He was still really upset about Dabi shutting down his blackmail plan and was posting about it on a site he found where littles post about their life. He read over it once and hit post.

Within seconds, he was getting likes and comments crazy fast. He was going to read them but BAM, his door came crashing down! "WHAT THE HELL?!!" He screamed, shocked. There was Dabi, glaring at the boy. "You wouldn't open the door." He said blankly. "I-...SO YOU KICKED IT DOWN?!!" Dabi just ignore him, scooping him up and heading to the bathroom.

After a nice bath with the help of his caregiver, he went back to his phone and read through the comments. "Not gonna lie, that plan sounds pretty good for the person getting blackmailed too. I mean, if they're into that-" Shigaraki read the comment out loud and broke into laughter. He quickly replied, typing "I think someone just outed themself!" A response came back quite quickly: "You caught me! Take me to jail officer!" Shigaraki laughed again. "Heh...that's pretty funny" He said, replying with a police car emoji.

He tapped the users account. "SparkieTheYellowBear", he read out loud, "Cute name." He said as he clicked follow. A few seconds later, he got a notification. "They followed me back!" Shigaraki felt happy, he had made a friend!


"What's so funny Bakugo?" Kirishima asked.
"Oh uh, just some online banter. This guy's pretty funny...VillainousSweetheart." Kirishima peaked over Bakugo's shoulder. "What is all that?" Bakugo didn't look away from his phone for a second, "It's a site for littles to chat and stuff. Talk about our lives and all that." He replied. "I hope you don't post anything bad about your caregiver!" Kirishima giggled, half joking. Bakugo just smiled. "Course not!" He threw his phone onto the bed, then hugged his daddy, who gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"So I was thinking", Kirishima said, "Maybe you'd wanna go out tonight? Like for dinner?" Bakugo grinned. "So a date?" Kirishima nodded, "Yeah! There's this new Italian place that opened up and I was wondering if you'd wanna try it together?" Bakugo was overjoyed! "Yes! Let's go!"

Soon, nighttime came. Kirishima was in his dorm getting dressed. The place had a fancy dress code so he was wearing his favourite suit. The jacket, pants and tie were a splendid deep red and the collared undershirt was black. Simple but he loved it.

He headed over to Bakugo's dorm and didn't even bother knocking on the door. When he entered, he saw the boy struggling to get his suit jacket on. "Need some help buddy?" He chuckled. Bakugo whined, "Please? This thing won't go on!" So Kirishima helped Bakugo get ready. "Baby's been relying on daddy too much to dress him", the red head teased. Bakugo just blushed. It was somewhat true. After the jacket was on, Kirishima continued to help his baby get dressed, he even helped him with his tie, which Bakugo quickly discarded. "Ready?" Kirishima asked. Bakugo nodded with a smile on his face.

The two entered the restaurant. Kirishima had made a reservation so their table was already set for them. A waitress approached them and handed them menu's. "Thanks for coming tonight! Anything to drink while you look over tonight's menu?" Bakugo was about to speak when Kirishima spoke up, "I'll have some water and he'll have a chocolate milk please." The waitress nodded, leaving the table. "C-chocolate milk??" Bakugo repeated. "Yep, it's a treat!" Bakugo just put his head in his hands, embarrassed. He was happy about it because chocolate milk was freaking delicious but it felt like such a childish thing to order. Kirishima just grinned, "You're really cute, you know that?

A few minutes later, the waitress came back with their drinks. "Do you know what you're ordering tonight?" Both gave her their orders as she wrote it down. "Alright, your food will be here soon!" She said as she left the table. Kirishima and Bakugo talked. They talked about life, interests and hobbies. The two laughed, enjoying each other's company.

Kirishima reached to grab Bakugo's hand. "Bakugo, I'm so proud of you. You've come so far in such a short time. You've calmed down a lot and don't scream and swear as much. It makes me really happy." Bakugo blushed, looking away. "W-whatever...A-as long as you're happy." Kirishima smiled lovingly at Bakugo, who smiled back.

Soon, the waitress came back with their meals. "Please enjoy! And thank you for dining with us!" They began to eat. "Woah!", Kirishima said surprised, "This is really good!!" Kirishima continued to eat, he was so focused on eating that he didn't see Bakugo stick his fork into his plate and grab a bite until it was in his mouth. "Sneaky boy!", he said, now whispering, "If you wanted some, all you had to do was ask daddy to feed it to you~!" He teased. Bakugo whined before asking quietly, "Daddy, can I have some of yours? Feed it to me?" The redhead froze for a second, it was only a joke! But, he did as his baby asked anyways, putting some on his fork and holding it up to the ash blonde's mouth. "Open up baby." Bakugo listened, opening his mouth as his daddy put the fork in. "Good?", he asked. Bakugo nodded, "It's amazing!"

Once they had finished their meals, they decided to order dessert. Kirishima was a little bit worried about all the sugar. He didn't want Bakugo to have too much and not sleep tonight. It would be a nightmare and a half for him if Bakugo was bouncing off the walls! "Here's your ice cream sir." The waitress said, placing the massive bowl of ice cream in front of both of them before turning away to serve another table. The two grabbed a spoon and dug in. By the end, the massive bowl was empty and Bakugo had ice cream all over his face and suit. Kirishima smiled, "Come closer for a sec", he said, grabbing a napkin to wiping Bakugo's face and trying to get most of the ice cream off his suit. He knew there was no saving the suit from ice team stains though. The ash blonde whined, "S-stop that!!" Kirishima chuckled, "Such a messy eater~", he teased.

The two settled the bill, both paying equally. They made their way back to Bakugo's dorm. Kirishima helped Bakugo get undressed and into some comfy clothes along with a diaper at his baby's request. Then, the redhead went to his own room to change before heading back to Bakugo's room who was now snuggled under the blanket with Sparkie. "Did you enjoy tonight?" Kirishima asked? "Yeah, I really did!" Bakugo said cheerfully, as Kirishima got into the bed and the two snuggled happily.

Off In His Own Little WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora