Paranoia and Sippy Cups

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Bakugo was having a shitty morning . He was woken up really early due to a nightmare and couldn't fall back asleep. Not to mention, he wet the bed. He was upset about the whole ordeal. On top of that, he was paranoid that someone in the dorm had seen him taking his sheets to the wash. He didn't know what he would do if anyone found out. But the cherry on top, when he sat down at his desk before class started, one of the legs on his chair snapped, making him fall on his ass. The students that were their tried not to laugh but failed miserably. Bakugo almost blew up the whole classroom. What followed that was a day filled with stressors.

And that brings him to now, sitting in class, waiting for the day to end. He was having a hard time focusing so he just tuned everything out. The stress of the day was getting to him. "Christ", he thought, "Guess it fucking is what it fucking is". Eventually, the bell rang. Bakugo almost jumped for joy as he quickly made his way back to his dorm room.

"Finally", Bakugo said out loud, feeling quite relieved that he was alone. He sat down on the floor next to his bed. He reached under it and pulled out a small box. Bakugo sighed, opening it. He grabbed a pacifier out of the box, placing it in his mouth. The day slowly faded away as he slipped into littlespace.

Next, he grabbed a fluffy pastel yellow teddy bear out of the box. "Spwarkie!", he giggled around his paci, snuggling his friend. He loved Sparkie because his fur reminded him of his own hair.

Finally, he grabbed three DVD's out of the box. He would never admit it while outside of his littlespace but, Bakugo loved Disney Princess movies. He couldn't explain it but the stories really spoke to him. He laid the DVD's on the floor, deciding which to watch. "Awiel", he said, pointing to the copy of The Little Mermaid. Ariel was his favourite Princess. He loved her fins and especially her red hair.

He grabbed the disc out of the case and popped it into his laptop, getting onto his bed with Sparkie. He happily sucked on his paci while watching the movie. When it ended, he whined, wanting it to be longer. So, he started the movie from the beginning and watched it a second time.

By the time the movie had ended again, Bakugo was quite tired and he had school tomorrow. However, he was worried. What if he had a nightmare again? It was pretty scary, and it didn't help that he was still in his littlespace. He left his laptop on his desk and slowly got into bed. He snuggled Sparkie tight as he turned off the light.


The next morning was no different then the one before. Bakugo was woken up early due to the same nightmare. And again, he had wet the bed. "Fuck", Bakugo whispered, taking his pacifier out of his mouth and putting it in the box along with Sparkie. He changed and slowly crept down the halls of the dorm to put another set of sheets in the wash.


The day had officially started as Bakugo sat down in his new chair, which didn't break. However, he felt paranoid about his sheets again.

Suddenly, someone grabbed his shoulder, making him jump. "Sorry BakuBro! Didn't mean to scare you!", Kirishima laughed nervously. Bakugo sighed. "I'm not in the mood shitty hair! Fuck off!", he said. "That's actually why I wanted to talk to you," the redhead said as he sat down next to his best friend, looking concerned, "You seemed off yesterday too. Is everything okay?"

The ash blonde got upset, not wanting to open up. "I'M FINE!", he shouted. Everyone who was in the classroom stared at him. "Now fuck off." Bakugo said. Kirishima just shook his head, got up, and went to talk to Kaminari and Mina. The bell rang and everyone took their seats.

The day was going by as slow as ever. Finally, the lunch bell rang. Bakugo had planned to go out for lunch that day. He had way more money on him than needed for a meal. "Maybe I'll treat myself", he thought.

After his lunch, he had 2700 yen left and thirty minutes before class. He walked the streets of the city, knowing exactly were he was going to spend his money. He stopped in front of a small store, looking around to make sure no one he knew saw him. He quickly entered the store.

Inside was like a paradise. There were stuffies, pacifiers, bottles and literally anything a little could ever want. He loved coming here. The store clerk smiled at him. "Welcome! Are you shopping for yourself or someone else?" This was a regular question at this store. They asked purely because they didn't want any littles causing a scene. "Myself.", Bakugo said, looking away. The store clerk smiled, "Alright then hun, go ahead. And if you need any help, don't be shy okay?" Bakugo nodded. He noticed she was clearly keeping a close eye on him. His face turned a light shade of pink.

He walked up and down the isles. He wasn't sure what he wanted. There was so many options and everything looked appealing.

As he was browsing the sippy cups, his eyes met with someone else in the store. It was a villain! Dabi! "Fuck!", Bakugo thought as the other male approached him. " this is an interesting sight.", Dabi said, smirking. "Shut up, damn villain! I'm here for a friend!", He lied. "So am I. Only difference is, I'm not lying. I have a little of my own, so I'm quite good at sniffing out a lie." Dabi smiled as he patted Bakugo's head, making his way to the counter. "No worries little Bakugo. Stay out of the League's way and I won't tell a soul."

After Dabi was good and gone, Bakugo took a deep breath. "Fucking, damnit!" He thought. He really hopped Dabi wouldn't say anything. "Shit!" He thought, looking down at his phone. He only had ten minutes to get back to UA but hadn't picked anything out yet.

He then spotted a sippy cup that was blue like the ocean with sparkles out of the corner of his eye. He investigated it, noticing it had little cartoons of Ariel, Flounder, and Sebastian.
"Yes!", he said out loud. He grabbed the sippy cup and headed towards the counter. He paid, put the sippy cup in his bag, and ran back to UA.

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