Heroes and Villians and Littles, Oh My!

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Bakugo was immediately thrown out of littlespace "WHA-" He stopped himself before yelling. He didn't want to make his situation worse. "Absolutely not. No way. Never." Kirishima sighed, siting next to the ash blonde. "Bakugo. I promise it won't be as bad as you think. Plus, it's not just a punishment." Bakugo looked up at his caregiver. "It's...not?" Kirishima shook his head. "I'm worried about the whole 'bed wetting incident' man! And you wouldn't open up to me and tell me what was going on!" Bakugo just looked away, not saying a word.

Kirishima took the package, ripping it open. "Okay. Here's the rules of your punishment. You gotta wear these all day for the next week. You don't have to use them, just wear them. That includes at school." Again, Bakugo's jaw dropped. His face was flushed bright red. Kirishima just patted his head, handing him one of the diapers. "I'll let you choose if you wanna put it on yourself or have me help you." Kirishima said with a loving smile. It made Bakugo feel a bit better.

"I'll do it. Just uh...turn around while I do." Kirishima faced the opposite direction as Bakugo began to undress his bottom half. Under normal circumstances, he would've beaten the crap out of the redhead and left it at that. But he had a feeling of guilt lingering in his soul. He felt bad for breaking the rules, felt bad for being such a brat. So he was going to do this! He was going to do it for himself and for his daddy! With a deep breath, he unfolded the diaper.

It had been about 5 minutes and Kirishima was still waiting for the 'all clear' to turn around. "Uh...you okay over there buddy?" Kirishima questioned. Bakugo just gave a frustrated grunt. "I can't get the thing to stay still! I touch it slightly and it moves!" Kirishima chucked. "I honestly think you'll do a better job than I will but I'm willing to help if you'll let me?" Bakugo thought about it. That means Kirishima would see his-...But he had no choice!

He signed, bravely saying. "Whatever....just come help me." Kirishima didn't move. "Did you hear me?! I said...Oh-", said Bakugo, remembering the rule about manners. "Can you uh...can you please help me?" Kirishima got up and turned around. There Bakugo was, trying to hide his junk with his hands. "Hey it's okay buddy", the caregiver said reassuringly, "I won't judge! Promise!" Bakugo lowered his hands. Kirishima just smiled.

"Alrighty then baby! Lay down for daddy, okay?" Kirishima said, patting the bed. Bakugo did as told, feeling so embarrassed. Kirishima held his baby's legs up before slidding the diaper underneath him. He gently lowered his legs, and then taped up the diaper nice and snug. He did it so quickly. If Bakugo didn't know any better, he would've thought Kirishima did this all the time.

Bakugo slowly sat up. The soft padding surrounded his lower half. He didn't want to, but he fell in love with the feeling. It was so warm and fuzzy. "Looks like someone doesn't hate the diapers~?" Kirishima teased. Bakugo was so captivated that he didn't even realize he was smiling. "W-whatever" he said, looking away. "Aww!" Kirishima said, picking up the ash blonde who currently had only a shirt and diaper on.

Bakugo couldn't explain it. He'd never felt this good about anything before. He felt safe, warm, and loved. He rested his head in the crook of the redheads neck. "Aww baby!" Kirishima said happily. He too was really enjoying this moment. No, every single second was a beautiful moment to be cherished, even if Bakugo was a brat sometimes. The two sat down and did some work before Bakugo slipped into littlespace and watched The Little Mermaid for the 3rd time within the last few day. But this time, with his daddy.


In an undisclosed location, the League of Villains were having a meeting. "Well, that concludes all upcoming major plans", their leader, Shigaraki said, "Does anyone have any useful side information?" The room was silent for a moment before a girlish giggle echoed through the room. "I do Shigi! Check this out!" Toga held up her phone. It was a picture of Kirishima holding Bakugo on his hip, with his thumb in his mouth. The room went quite. "That's quite the intriguing photo, Toga. Good work." Shigaraki said, looking pleased, "Anything else?" Dabi sighed, "Look, I saw the kid in that store that sell all those...", he cleared his throat, "things...and I promised him we wouldn't take advantage of it unless he caused trouble for us."

Shigaraki grinned wickedly, "If he can't intervene, that gives us an advantage when our plan's in action." Toga sighed, sounding quite bored. "Yes but we all know he'll intervene regardless. He's a violent brat!" Shigaraki thought for a moment, before standing up. "Then we'll just have to blackmail him into staying out of the way." The group all stared, confused. Shigaraki just shook his head, "Do anything you can to get more pictures like the one Toga has! We can use them as blackmail!", and then he had a realization, "Hell...why stop there?! We could blackmail him into doing anything we want!"

Eventually, the room cleared out for the most part. Now it was just Shigaraki and Dabi. "We need to talk", Dabi spoke sternly, "You can't blackmail him. How would you feel if someone did that to you?" Shigaraki just huffed, thinking about it. "I...wouldn't like it very much." Dabi nodded, "That's right. So we aren't going to blackmail him, alright?" Shigaraki folded his arms, "Fine..." "What was that?" Dabi said sternly. "Yes sir..." Dabi patted the others head. "That's a good boy." He headed towards the door but turned around before leaving. "Oh and, if I see the boy with his caregiver next time, I'll be sure to ask about a play date. You need to be around other littles, alright sweetheart?" Shigaraki nodded as the caregiver left the room.


Bakugo woke up the next morning feeling really warm. He sat up and was shocked! He had that nightmare again, yet his bed was completely dry. He smiled to himself. Then he got out and looked down, seeing his diaper bulge and remembering its existence. He looked down his sweat pants to see his diaper. It was soaked and still warm. At first, Bakugo was disgusted but when he sat back down, he didn't mind it. "Maybe I should use it throughout the week?" He quickly disregarded that thought, feeling it was too taboo.

Suddenly there was a knock on his door. He opened it, standing behind it so the diaper bulge couldn't be seen. It was Kirishima, who walked into the room after greeting Bakugo with a cheerful "Good morning!"

The first thing Kirishima noticed was the bulge. He patted Bakugo's head, "Ready for a change buddy?" The ash blonde blushed "Yes please..." Kirishima smiled. "Such a good boy!" He said as Bakugo laid down on the bed. He liked the praise, it made him feel proud. Although, he wasn't sure if being proud of using his manors like a 'good boy' was much to be proud of in the first place. Soon, Kirishima had Bakugo all changed and even helped him change into his uniform.

"How noticeable is it?" Bakugo asked concerned. "Not very", Kirishima said, "Just makes your ass look bigger, really." Both of them broke out in laughter. Bakugo then grabbed everything he needed for the day and the two headed down the corridor of the dorms. "Crap!", Kirishima said, "I forgot something in my room! Wait right here." He came back within a minute, carrying something. It looked like a bag...and it was. It was a diaper bag.

Bakugo quickly became flustered. "H-how the hell are you gonna hide that thing?!" Bakugo said, worried. Kirishima gave him a look, "Language Bakugo." "Sorry..." He said before muttering, "Hell isn't even a bad word..." "Don't worry about how I'm gonna hide it. You're daddy's got his ways!" Kirishima said, smiling. With that, they headed to the main school building and Bakugo's first official day of punishment began.

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