Chapter 15: Fèath✔️

Start from the beginning

"The fuck are you all looking at? Get a life!" I yell out. Everyone immediately continues doing what they were doing before and I continue my walk to my usual table. I sit down in my usual seat and slam my head into my arms. As you can tell, I may be a little irritated.

"The fuck got your panties in a twist?" I look up at Trayvon and give him my deadliest, but friendliest, glare. So, yeah I may be more than a little irritated. Truth is, I've been trying to find out the truth about what happened to my "deceased" relatives. So far, I've found nothing. Nothing useful anyway. I know there's something I'm missing, I just don't know what. I obviously can't tell them what's really going on, so I come up with a believable lie.

"I was up studying most of the night for the test we have for chemistry today."

Well... semi believable lie. Everyone in this group knows how smart I am. Hell, I could skip all the way to 12th grade and still graduate with the highest scores. But what else could I say? I mean, I was up studying for the chemistry test we have today, so technically, I'm not really lying. I'm just withholding information.

"You know you'll do well Marie." My twin says.

"I know, but this test has me stressed out for some reason. I don't know why."

"Don't worry about it too much. You'll do great, as always." Via encourages me.

I grunt and take out my lunch while muttering a dry 'thanks'. I know I'm probably seeming pretty bitchy right now, but this group knows how I am by now and they don't take it to heart. I have to say, ever since I met all of them, my life's become better. Sure it took a little while to warm up to them and to trust them, but I did my research. I actually found something that surprised me about them, especially Via, but that'll be a tale for another time.

When lunch ends and the bell rings, I pack up my things, throw my trash away, and walk to the chemistry lab with Via, Dani, Tray, Knox, and Ember. When we get there, we take our seats and get out what we need for the test. Honestly, it should be against the law to have any kind of a test on Monday's.

The teacher hands out the test and I look through it. I'm not overly worried about failing. This unit was pretty easy. And tomorrow we start learning about one of the only things in Science that actually catches my interest, the Periodic Table. I don't why it interests me so much, it just does.

Anyway, the test is significantly easy. When I finish, I just put my head on the table until the period is over. When the bell rings, I make my way to my last class, Literature. The class goes by pretty quickly. Last period isn't exactly a class, it's Study Hall, so the group and I hang out in the library either doing homework, scrolling on social media, or sleeping. Since I finished everything in my classes and there's nothing interesting on social media right now, I'm sleeping.

I'm trying to get a little bit of sleep right now since I can't go home right after school today. Because it's Monday, I have my Art Club meeting which is only 40 minutes. We're presenting our first drawings today. I'm going to present the one I drew yesterday that represents Mother Nature.

I hear the alarm I set on my phone ring not too loudly and turn it off. I yawn and stretch before grabbing my backpack, jacket, and phone. I had set the alarm 2 minutes before the bell so I could get my things together and so I wouldn't be disturbed by the bell.

When the bell does ring, I say bye to my friends and twin and make my way to the art room. I sit in the seat I sat in last week and take out my sketch book. Just a few minutes later, everyone that's part of the club has arrived as well as the teacher. A little after 3:20 hits, Mr. Alinsky, our teacher for the club, greets all the students and takes attendance to see who's arrived before beginning.

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