He was acting stupid.

"I've figured out that you have one hell of a flat ass."

I laughed while he looked at me with serious eyes.

"Seriously y/n?"

"Aw come on cheer up. Did that really make you that angry baby?"

Eren whipped his head in my direction. He seemed shocked.


"You just called me baby."

"Oh. I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable."

I backed away from him, not wanting to make uncomfortable. As soon as I backed away Eren pulled me back into him.

"I never said I was uncomfortable, I was just surprised is all."

We fell into silence again, before Eren began talking.

"You never did say you liked me, though. I gave you my answer but you didn't give me yours."

I turned back to him, being met with his eyes awaiting my response. I didn't speak.

"You're never gonna tell me you like me, are you?"

"What makes you think that?"

"You keep avoiding my questions, please y/n don't tell me I'm wasting my time loving you."

"I would never want to make you feel that way, and you're not wasting time."

"Never mind that, it came off harsh. Don't think about it too much, okay love?"

There it was again his pet name for me. For some reason, whenever Eren called me that I got a weird feeling. Usually when you like someone your heart doesn't thump as much. I didn't just like Eren, I was in love with the idiot.

"You came off a little harsh, but I deserved it. You're right, I do keep avoiding the question. I'm afraid I'm not gonna meet your expectations of a crush, I guess I don't really know how to word it."

"You'll always be worth my while, love."

He took my hand in his and drew thumbs on the top of my hand. He looked at me with pleasing eyes.

"Eren, I'm okay with admitting that I like you. I'm not going to deny something that's true, and especially not to you. If you wanna hear me say it then I'm perfectly okay with that, that's all you had to say."

"Then say it."

It was more of a demand than anything. From this angle he looked good, really good. I took awhile observing him, to which he didn't seem to mind. I brought my gaze back up to him.

"I like you."

"Great, because I like you too."

"Good, because if you didn't like me then that'd be a problem."

"Oh yeah, how?"

"Stop. Your flirting skills can be kind of ass somethings. I mean really did you ever flirt with anyone?"

"Yeah, most women are blinded by my looks so the whole shitty jokes goes in one ear and out the other."

"Must be some desperate women."

"Eh kinda, anyway are we gonna sit in your car all day?"

"No, how about we go out or something."

"Well what do you wanna do?"

"Could always just drive around and spend the day together."

"Sounds like a plan to me, however there's one problem."

I hummed.

"We're at school, if we leave we'd be skipping."

"Yeah, so? It's fun and worth our while."

"You know what you're right. Fuck school, let's go."

"Where exactly are we going?"

"Anywhere you wanna go, love."

"I wanna go get food."

"Cool. Can I drive, though?"

"Why? You think I'm a shitty driver?"

"No that's not what I was-" I interrupted him.

"You'd be right, because I am a shitty driver. Switch me spots."

We switched spots and Eren began driving.


He kept his eyes on the road in front of him as he made his way out of the school parking lot.


"I think I'm in love with you, like actually."

Eren hard hit the breaks, causing me to lean forward a little.

"Eren, what the hell?"

"Holy shit, I never thought you'd actually say it."

"Why not? Don't think I love you or something?"

"That's not what I meant, and you know it. Where are we going?"

"I'm in a tacos kind of mood if I'm being honest."

"Then let's get the hell out of dodge, and go get you those tacos, okay?"

A smile found its way onto our faces. Eren grabbed both sides of my face before my attention was directed at him. He looked into my eyes.


"Nothing admiring how beautiful you are."

He backed away and finally made his way out of the parking lot.

"You're a tease."

"Good, at least makes you look forward to something."

"Asshole." I grunted under my breath, while approaching a red light.

As we pulled up to the red light, Eren's hand went straight to my thigh before squeezing it a bit tightly.

"What was that?" He looked at me a smile plaguing his face.

"Nothing, okay? I said nothing." I said with a grin on my face.


He turned his attention to the green light in front of him, and began driving again. I admired Eren for a second, I wondered how the hell we even got here. Never did I ever think I'd be falling in love with Eren out of all people, I was thankful for it though.
This is the chapter that you've all been waiting for. I'm only publishing about 10 more chapters, then it'll be complete. I don't know if this seems all too rushed, and if it is I'm sorry. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter !

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