Las Vegas

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Claire's POV 

It's currently 5 AM. I haven't slept all night because I miss my moms. They went back to Las Vegas to check on the house for a month or so. *Phone dings*. I just got a text from one of my moms. Let's see what she says.

The Texts:

I couldn't believe what had just happened

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I couldn't believe what had just happened. I just started dating Ayden and now I have to throw it all away for the next month or 2. I had to tell Piper... but I know she isn't going to take it well. I've been living with Piper my whole life. She's my cousin after all. And I've lived in her new purple house as long as SHE has. I walked down the hallway to Piper's room. I heard her snoring and giggled. I straightened my face. This was not a laughing matter. I typed in Piper's code to her room and the door unlocked. "Piper..." I began. "Claire go away, it's 5 fricking 30 in the morning." She says. "I'm leaving to go home to Las Vegas tomorrow if you even care." I say. "Nice one Claire. I'm immune to these pranks now. Hunter might as well come out of your hiding spot because I know it's a prank." No one moves. Hunter is nowhere to be seen. "Piper, my mom texted me this morning. She says our house in Las Vegas flooded and your mom is driving me to the airport tomorrow morning." Piper's face falls. "You mean it's NOT a prank?" Piper's mom appears in the doorway. "No sweetie, it's not. I just got a text from Pey." Tiffany shows Piper the texts and I unlock my phone. I show Piper me and my mom's conversation we had 20 minutes before. "Well, what does this mean? Are you leaving the squad?" Piper asks. "No! Of course not! I'm just going home for a month or so and then I'm coming right back! I promise!" I clarify. Piper doesn't buy it. I wrap my arms around her in a long hug. "I'm going to miss you." Piper says. "I will too Pipes." I say. We start crying and hug for a long time. "Claire sweetie it's time you start packing up. Your flight leaves at 9 AM tomorrow. 

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Fish I Claire Rocksmith and Ayden Mekus IWhere stories live. Discover now