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Ayden's POV

Ever since Claire has been gone my mom says I'm different. but not in a good way, in a bad way. "Ayden, it is way past what time you should be asleep." My mom calls from the kitchen. "Come say goodnight." She adds. I groan and set my phone aside. My phone is not supposed to be in my room past midnight but I didn't care. I go up to my mom. "Goodnight Maria." I say and slam my bedroom door. "Ayden get back here right now! You are never to call me by my first name!" She screams. I remain silent and lock my door. I begin looking at Claire's Instagram posts. Then, I get a notification tagging me in a #Clayden edit. I forgot to put my phone on Do Not Disturb. And now my mom knows I have it with me. "Ayden Mekus!" My mother screams now furious. "What did I say about phones in your room after midnight?!" She says. "Unlock your door." She sighs. I quickly unlock the door, run to my bath room, hide in there, and lock the door. "Really Ayden?" She questions banging on the door. Then I had an idea. I opened the door, handed my mom my phone, and got in bed. My mom sighed of relief and went to her room. Once I heard her get in bed I quietly packed a bag with some over night clothes, morning clothes, my toothbrush, and tooth paste. I then slowly open my bedroom window cringing when it would make noise. My mom never seemed to hear though. I climbed out the window and shut it behind me. I'm going to Symonne and Nick's house. 


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