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Claire's POV

I haven't seen or spoke to Ayden since he and Symonne confessed their true love for each other. While I was right there in the room! Well, not really. But I was in the closet! I just can't believe Symonne, MY BEST FRIEND, would betray me like this. And why did Ayden even date me if he likes Symonne? Why doesn't the whole universe just turn against me?! "Claire bear, your phone has texts! They're from Ayden!" My mom shouts. I haven't told my moms about the whole break-up thing because... well, they don't understand. When I took my phone out I saw these texts from Ayden. And yes, I changed his contact name. I took out all the pink hearts and fish emojis. My texts read:

Well, that's it

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Well, that's it. I broke up with him. Why doesn't he just go and date Symonne. Like seriously! My best friend! Come on, man! Welp, that's it for Clayden.

Nick's POV

It was getting late when I received a text from my girlfri- my EX-girlfriend. I looked at her texts. She said, "Hey bb." Yea ok Harrison. Pretend nothing ever happened? Then so be it. I left her on read. A few minutes later she sent my full name and I knew I was in trouble. I asked her what she wanted and that I shouldn't text someone who cheated on me. And then she gave me the silent treatment. 

Back to Claire's POV

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Back to Claire's POV

I heard my phone ding from across the room. I sweat if it's Ayden again-. I'm not going to finish my thought. Anyways, to my amazement, it was not Ayden. It was Nick. What does HE want? He said hi and I said it back. Then he asked me if I wanted to get revenge. I played dumb (Ayden stunt) and pretended I didn't know what he was talking about. He texted, "Symonne and Ayden." Then we plotted to meet at Nick's apartment at 8 pm. We have a plan to accomplish.

 We have a plan to accomplish

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Fish I Claire Rocksmith and Ayden Mekus IDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora