Ch 10 - 💜 I got you (Extra Scene)

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💜 Smut Warning!! 💜

Jungkook doesn't know how Jimin can always sleep so deeply. He's stuck lying between Jimin's legs, cheek resting on his stomach, right next to the hickey he gave him just a few hours ago. Jimin occasionally lets out a small sigh in his sleep pulling his brows together and then slowly relaxes into Jungkook's embrace again.

But Jungkook has been alone with his own thoughts for a while now and is wishing Jimin would wake up and break the deafening silence. He imagines Jimin smoothing his hands over the dip of his back, finding the curve and pulling him closer, touching him in a way that beckons him out of his own thoughts. Sometimes a whisper will nag him in the back of his mind, a thought that will spiral until it becomes too big to ignore and on those days there was two options. Either a distraction or riding it out. Today Jungkook needed a distraction. 

It's almost as if Jimin can feel him, softly sighing and shifting before realising there's a weight that doesn't let him move. Jimin slowly peels his eyes open, blinks and rubs his eyes before his gaze falls entirely onto Jungkook - softening as he loses his fingers into the mop of dark hair.

"Why are you pouting?" Jimin asks between two yawns, stretching his back and shifting Jungkook as he sits up properly. 

"I was waiting for you to wake up." Jungkook hums, lips finding the blooming mark on Jimin's hips again, softly lapping at the skin. He watches carefully as Jimin's eyes darken from the action, brows raised in interest.

"How come?"

Jungkook doesn't answer. But silence seems to be enough for Jimin because his lips fall apart and his eyes widen in realisation before he tugs Jungkook up. The shirt he's wearing slides up on his torso revealing his tanned skin that Jimin slips his hands over, finding the soft curves. Ringed fingers tighten their hold around for a moment before slipping down to Jungkook's legs. Barely grazing his ass before he brings Jungkook's thigh up to straddle his hip and this time Jimin's hand stays on his thigh. the cold sting of metal digging into Jungkook's bulging muscles.

Jimin's plush lips capture Jungkook's before he can even react. Jungkooks knows it to be the distraction he craves, knowing the way Jimin pulls him in and lays on top of him, slowly caressing his cheek, all serve a purpose. To slowly coax Jungkook out of the swirl of thoughts his own mind trapped him in. 

He tightens his hands in Jimin's shirt and tenses up when he feels a pal guiding his movements, slow circles of his hips more prominent under Jimin's guide. Jungkook sighs into Jimin's lips, blushes as teeth sink into him before he hears, "What do you need, sweetheart? Hmm?"

Jimin nudges the side of his cheek as Jungkook pulls himself closer, pressing his lips into the crock of his neck just to hear the sigh of breath Jimin lets out and feels his fingers tightening around his thigh. "Kiss, i just want to kiss and forget everything else... I don't feel much like me at the moment and I need a distraction"

Jimin hums, buries his hands in Jungkook's hair before pulling him up, capturing his lips in a slow kiss, tongue slipping in to explore his mouth. And when Jimin pulls on his thigh again, angling his hips to align their clothed bulges, Jungkook's breath stutters. It almost comes as a surprise - the heat that travels to his groin and spreads throughout like wildfire

It's always heated with Jimin, quick highs, rough hands and breathy moans, sharing air while the pleasure builds, and although Jungkook can feel it - that whisper just gets bigger in the back of his mind, weighing him down despite the distraction - there's a need for him to see Jimin unravel.

Jungkook pushes his weight onto Jimin, steals his breath with a heated kiss and grinds down. He circles his hips with intent, feels the way the pleasure builds in Jimin until it spills over, cock pulsing at every deliberate rut. Jimin comes with a muffled whimper, a mumble of 'baby' and'so good' falling from his lips as he spills in his boxers - hot, wet mess soaking the fabric.

Jimin moans in Jungkook's mouth, slow and needy, a rough sound vibrating from the back of his throat, before he pushes Jungkook down, throwing his own leg over Jungkook's hips this time, caging them in. There's a flush on Jungkook's cheeks, reddening his honey skin because although he knows Jimin won't mind Jungkook can't help but feel guilty for going soft. Especially after he was the one asking for it in the first place.

"No," Jimin laughs at him, kissing the tip of his nose. "I can see it all over your face."


"Stop thinking." Jimin says smiling, giving Jungkook's forehead a soft flick while giggling

"Rude," Jungkook mumbles but there's no bite to his words. He mimics the smile that's spread on Jimin's lips, trailing a finger down the side of Jimin's neck where he left a trail of reds and blues behind. 

"It wasn't you though. Just-" he sighs heavily, eyes cast down, "-I thought a distraction would help because it wasn't as intense but... it got worse. Like you know when I avert your touch" Jimin nods, eyes kind as he brushes a piece of hair to the side. " it so suddenly out of nowhere became like that - not all the way that bad but close. Still i wanted to take care of you though."

When Jimin speaks, it's almost a whisper, voice soothing Jungkook. "You don't ever have to explain yourself to me Jungkook-ah" 

It's a simple sentence, but warmth blooms in Jungkook's chest from hearing it. He looks up at Jimin and sighs in relief, happy to know that Jimin didn't take offence, glad for the reassurance that he can feel things and Jimin will completely understand without having to say much. 

"Thank you" Jungkook mumbles, arms tightening around Jimin's neck while his fingers lose themselves in the black locks. "Can you still kiss me?" Jungkook says with puppy eyes.

Jimin smiles, mumbling "Sure darling" against his lips before leaning in for another kiss, Jungkook melts under Jimin's touch breathing out heavily. He can feel the trail of wet kisses Jimin leaves behind along his neck. A promise whispered into his skin, "I got you."


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