Ch 7 - Rainy Drive

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The last thing Jimin expects to see when he reaches the bottom of his apartment complex's stairs – okay maybe not the last thing, but still – is Namjoon's nice, new car sliding up to the curb, the passenger window sliding down, and Jungkook's head popping over from the driver's side to say,

"Hey hyung! Get in! Let's go for a drive!"

"Kook-ah, what the fuck?" Jimin says it with a chuckle. And of course, he slides into the front seat of the car. "Is this even legal? Do you have an international driver's license?"

Jungkook pulls away from the curb, keeping his eyes responsibly on the road. But he squishes his brows together, and even from the side, Jimin can see the little crease between them.

"Of course this is legal. You'll seriously get into a car with Namjoon hyung – the literal god of destruction – no questions asked, but with me, your best friend of ten years, you start asking questions?" Jungkook whines, but it's all fun.

"Listen," Jimin starts. "I have lots of questions."

Jimin can't be sure, but it looks like Jungkook's fingers tighten on the gear shift.

"I'm sure you do," he says lowly, softly.

Jimin's heart nearly leaps out of his throat.

"Let's save questions for later," Jimin quickly says, reaching forward to turn on the car's Bluetooth and connect his phone. "If we're going for a drive, we need jams."

Jungkook steers Namjoon's car onto the highway, heads out of the city and into the rolling mountains. The fog has let up a little. Enough to make driving feel like less of an extreme sport, but not enough to give the pair a glimpse of the mountain's peaks.

Jimin finds the song he's looking for and presses play with a grin. The opening chords begin, and Jimin cranks the volume.

"No!" Jungkook wails. "Jimin hyung, no. Spare me. Please."

Jimin throws his head back and laughs.

"I'm just trying to live out my Twilight fantasy, okay?"

"We're not even in Washington," Jungkook grumbles.

Although Jungkook hates the series, Jimin knows he will sit and listen to the soundtrack with Jimin. When they decided to spend the semester in Oregon, Jimin had forced Jungkook to watch every single movie with him. A few times, actually. So he knows a little indie music is nothing.

Yeah, Jimin knows Jungkook will listen.

And he does.

The winding highway loops bend after bend. Every so often rain sprinkles down, and Jungkook calmly turns on the windshield wipers. They squeak back and forth, back and forth. Jimin belts the English lyrics. Eventually Jungkook does, too.

This should be weird, Jimin thinks. But it isn't. It's perfectly normal. Driving around with Jungkook, exploring the place that reminds him of home but also reminds him they're an ocean away. It's always been natural with Jungkook, but maybe Jimin should be worried last night might ruin things. Might make things awkward, might pick them apart.

But Jimin has a feeling it won't.

Jungkook's presence grounds Jimin, even as they climb this mountain. He's fresh from the gym; it doesn't look like he showered. His hair is pulled up in a bun, his clean tshirt stretches across his chest. Jimin can smell his deodorant and laundry detergent, the warm air of the car thick with his musk. All of it's nothing new, but today it makes Jimin lightheaded. It makes him a little delirious, a little achy. He's drawn to Jungkook now, like some switch in his brain went zero to a hundred in less than twelve hours.

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