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Hello Darling,

I am very pleased to hear you have learnt the consequences of your actions.

Sincerely, Mum.

That's all?

It took her seven days to reply back, and THIS is all I get.

So she sends me away on the night before school and forces me to sleep in a pub that smells of mildew and cigarette smoke, and now she doesn't even reply properly to my letter that I sent almost a whole week ago.

Was what I did really so bad?

The only reason I took his stupid robe was because I didn't want her to yell and criticize me on not being 'ladylike' or 'proper' enough for our family name, yet now the same effect is in play.

Not letting my rage take over, I fold the note in half and place it under the pillow of my bed before heading down to the common room where the others were studying.

"Sam, you're good in potions right?" Blaise starts as he sees me walking down the stairs from the dormitories.

"I guess, why?" I ask, narrowing my eyes on him and approaching the group.

"He wants you to do his essay for him because he doesn't want to." Draco retorts, not even looking up from his textbook.

"Not true!" Blaise protests "I just don't...know which potion to write about."

"Wish I could help but I have to go meet Trelawney for my detention." I say sarcastically as I cock my head in the direction of Millicent.

"Not my fault at all, you did it to yourself." she nods before turning back to her homework.

"Why do you have detention now, it's a Sunday night?" Blaise questions from his spot beside the blazing green fire.

"Tell that to Trelawney, mental that one." Rolling my eyes I wave goodbye and make my way out of the common room exit.

"Rowle wait!" I hear Theo yell. Lightly jogging his way over to me, he stands in the entrance of the door running a hand through his knotted brown hair. "Did you want me to walk you? That way you don't have to go alone?"

"Hmm? Why?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Just...so you're not alone." he retorts as he scratches the back of his head.

Nodding, we start on our way to the library. While chatting about school, friends, and parents, the time goes by quick and I stop outside the library entrance to bid him goodbye.

"Thanks for walking me...now I feel bad you have to walk all-"I'm interrupted by Theo placing his lips on mine. A light, soft kiss as he holds my chin in place with a single finger, and then breaks away just as fast as the kiss began.

Opening my eyes, hazel making contact with green before he adverts them away from my figure, focusing them instead on something a little ways down the hallway. Confused, I turn my head to the left to look as well.

Why is it that he always appears whenever I'm with Theo?

The figure of Fred fucking Weasley standing a few feet away, back against the corridor wall as his hands fiddle with a plastic wrapped 'Pumpkin Pastie.'

His dark eyes never leaving mine as he breaks the silence with a humorous. "Well, whats going on here?" and taking a few long strides to stand before us, his voice cutting though the tension like a knife.

My lips part slightly, and all of a sudden I couldn't remember words, I couldn't remember how to speak, or even move.

"Bug off Weasley, what are you doing here?" spits Theo.

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