Dejectedly, he responded, "You're in love with my wife," he looked back up and dropped his arms, "You're like my brother, Shisui. This is kind of a big deal. You took a bullet for her. I asked you yesterday if there was anything I needed to know-"

"Did you really need to know?" Shisui interrupted as he moved his head again to look straighter. "Does it change anything?"

Obito squeezed his hands tighter, "It changes everything," he argued through clenched teeth. "Let's set aside the fact that you two do things alone all the time. Let's ignore the late-night phone calls and pet names. Let's forget that you're you- I'm tired of my wife having a string of exes and ex-fuck buddies that are hung up on her."

Trying to keep the scoffing sound from leaving his lips, Shisui countered, "You knew exactly what you were getting into the moment you asked her to marry you. You knew her past and who was involved. Yet, you still said 'I do,' and you still chose to have a child with her- twice. So either suck it up and love the woman like she deserves, or get out of the way and let someone else do it."

"Not entirely what I expected," Obito gave a dark laugh, "At least Kakashi and Zabuza said they wouldn't make a move on her." His fingers threaded into his hair as he tugged gently.

Cutting his eyes to the door, Shisui worried that someone would hear, "I'm not saying that I'm going to make a move on her." Instead, he said flatly, "I'm just saying that if you're not careful, she's going to get tired of you treating her the way you have the last few months."

The last few months? Obito dropped his arms again as he wracked his brain to try and recall where the disconnect came from. What had happened that he started pushing her away? Middle of November then, roughly. What could it have been?


"Rin's birthday," Obito whispered suddenly. "Fuck." He voiced the same word that echoed in his mind.

Shisui nodded as Obito looked at him, "I promised her I wouldn't say anything, Obito, but she heard you talking to Kakashi that night. How could you even think-"

With an exasperated sigh, Obito stood up as he threw his arms into the air. "I was drunk," he defended. "Kakashi's phone gave him a notification that it was her birthday for some dumbass reason. We started talking and- I had a moment of weakness. I didn't know that she heard me."

Shaking his head, he watched Obito begin to pace the room, "That doesn't mean it didn't hurt her any less, Obito. You can't say that you wonder what life would've been like if you didn't let her walk away all those years ago and not expect repercussions."

Turning to face Shisui at the foot of the bed, Obito looked at him with a stern gaze, "Like you've never thought about life with Izumi? Or Y/n, for that matter?" Obito scrubbed his face before dropping his arms again. "Fucking shit, man. This year has turned out to be an absolute disaster, and we're not even a full two months in."

"Right now, you just need to focus on taking care of Y/n," Obito's expression was clearly unimpressed by Shisui's words. "How is the baby?" He asked worriedly.

With a soft smile on his lips, Obito answered, "Fine," he looked to the door for a moment as he replied, "She's just over nine weeks pregnant. Everything looks good. She only needed a few stitches, thanks to you."

Before either one of them could continue, the door to the room opened. Shizune entered first, the quiet woman walking to Shisui to take his vitals and do a quick exam. Y/n smiled sweetly at Shisui before turning to Obito. There was a silent question in both of their eyes as they looked at one another. Shisui observed the couple while Shizune worked, oblivious to the heartbreak that was happening in the room.

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