Chapter Thirteen: Roughing Feathers

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"I've known Griffon since college. He used to date one of my friends and so we've always sort of rolled around the same groups. Over time we remained friends after college and well, that's when he helped get me a ride back into town. I haven't really spoken to him since then." Mia says.

Mia was able to secure a vehicle from the vehicle rental from the hotel services. They have some vehicles for the guests to rent out. Now flying down I-95, the trees zipping by like a watercolor painting.

Drex glanced at Mia, the light bouncing off her auburn locks. A halo surrounded the contours of her face, her lips were a light shade of pink. Reaching across the console he took hold of her hand and squeezed.

Mia's face lit up like the fourth of July and she squeezed back. "You know, I still can't believe everything that's happened so far..." Drex completely understood what she meant. He never imagined he'd see Mia again, and here she is sitting next to him with the biggest smile he's seen. No doubt she never thought she'd see him again, but the biggest thing is that she hasn't run away, yet.

"I never thought I'd end back up in Bedstone and here I am." Chicago comes into view in the distance. Mia called Griffon earlier and set up a meeting with him at a local watering hole, some slumbering number that's visibly standing on its last legs, literally.

The bar's exterior was rotting wood that sat like a disease, threatening to infect any that came close. Parking in the decrepit lot that looks vaguely like a junkyard, they approached the front tattered door. The wood croaked as it swung open, a foul odor assaulted their noses.

Blinking the sun out of his eyes he pushed through the dark doorway, leading the way into the foulest place he's ever laid eyes on. His eyes swiveled the darkened corners that the wall mounted lights barely illuminated with their waning strength. He looked for any traps or ambushes as they walked up to the bar.

"What can I get for ya?" The bartender asks.

Drexler can feel his shoes sticking to the dirty floor. The warped wood bowed under his weight, for a split second he thought he was going to crash through the rotting wood at any second.

"I feel totally safe." Mia mused next to him. Nudging her with his shoulder he leaned down, his lips ghosting across the shell of her ear, "Don't touch anything, I highly doubt this place is sterile." Drexler followed Mia's gaze, the rest of the bar was just as worn down and broken. The bar sat in the middle of the building, a single bartender ranging somewhere within his mid fifties cleaned glasses. Small round tables filled the main floor up but with no real plan, as the tables were far too close together and some were even tipped over, some glass still broken on the floor.

"Sorry about the mess, We've had a rowdy crowd last night and still haven't gotten the chance to clean up." The bartender says it's like a completely normal image to come into. He wipes the counter down as Drex and Mia take a seat at the bar.

"So, what can I get ya?" He asks again with a smile. His hair was medium length but colored, his facial hair was uncolored and sporting his natural greys.

Beyond his aging features, Drexler noted a few barmaids and a few other employees moving about. No doubt in a rush to get this place fixed and ready for the lunch crowd.

"Guiness." Drex orders. He looks at Mia who simply shakes her head.

"Sorry, none for me. Thanks." She waves the beer menu away that the bartender held out.

"Tap or bottle?"

"Bottle" Drexler wasn't sure he wanted to even attempt to drink from a glass of theirs. For some reason he just imagined some blood droplets staining the drinking glasses complete with tetanus and who else knows what sort of infectious diseases that may have accumulated within the walls of this bar. Seems like the type of place Griffon would pick for a meet up.

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