Chapter Six: Renovation

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Drexler drove to the address that Mia gave him from a text message she got from Kevin. He shakes his head as it all just felt very complicated. He wondered though. Somewhere in the shadows of his mind there is a hopeful voice. A feeling that wants to fill him with happiness and the all encompassing love he once remembered. He knew that tiny thought was all because of Mia. Even now with their arms closely touching, both of their elbows resting on the arm rests.

"I can't figure it out but you really feel like someone I know. I'm wondering if maybe I met you in passing somewhere. I travel a bit so I mean, it's reasonable." Mia says like a hounddog unwilling to let the small chunk of meat go, hoping to tear it free and gobble it down. He felt very hot all of a sudden.

"Probably. I travel a bit too. Most likely." He says. Mia looked off to the side. Her fingers drumming on her legs, her knees drawn up to her chest. Her hair hung over her shoulders. Her usual ball cap firmly on her head.

Her hair looked soft. He knew it was soft, but looking at it now he wanted nothing more than to bury his fingers in her hair again. "I was wondering. What were you planning on doing after this? You know after you finish helping out Kevin."

He also didn't want to mention how Kevin was interested in her. That's a can of worms he isn't in a position of asking her much about. He didn't want to be that type of guy. With Mia he wanted to do everything right. Even if that means in the end he has to walk away.

"I'm not sure. I'd still be on vacation." She paused. "Maybe I'll head somewhere tropical. It's nice here but I'd really just want a change of scenery. My parent's have been urging me to take a break. "

"Your parents sound like they care a lot."

"They do. They just want the best but sometimes their best isn't what I want. We butt heads but they only mean well. Always telling me to take a break or take a trip, go sightseeing." Mia stretches her legs out.

Their destination came into view. A neighborhood was being built. As we entered the neighborhood, he noticed that most of the buildings were still in the building stage. Many still were missing the outside walls but there were a few houses that looked complete, most likely having the remaining work left inside.

Drexler was amazed at the sheer sizes of some of the homes. "Why are the houses so large? People in this town don't like this shit." Drexler caught Mia's glance.

"Tell me about your parents. What were they like?" Mia asks. The question was almost startling to Drexler but then he also knew that eventually her questions would divert back to him once more. She has a tendency to change topics and bring the focus fully back on him.

"Not much to tell. They were wonderful." He says. Construction trucks and vehicles were parked along the road with some stationed on the grass. "My Mother always had a bright smile. I'd say the one thing I missed the most were their smiles. The way their eyes would light up. The love they once had for me was intoxicating and the minute it vanished I was left wanting, scratching belligerent for more."

"What do you mean, 'the love they once had'? Parents always love us no matter what we do." Mia says with a bit of cheer. Her view of things isn't as rosy as she has pictured. Drexler's fingers coiled around the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles draining of color.

"Well, let's just say that in my case, the love was abandoned. It made me question what 'Love' was or is. They weren't malicious or anything like that." He adds when he saw the concern on Mia's face.

"They just couldn't find acceptance and instead found..." His voice broke off. "They found disgust, hate, and fear." His words were hardly audible. Mia strained to hear him.

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