Celestial Disputes

Start from the beginning

"Lucifer, don't change the subject. I'm not done talkin-" Gabriel protested and took a confident step closer to us. Lucifer stood in front of me, shielding my body from Gabriel. I placed my palm on my mate's waist and peeked from the side of his right arm.

I was incredibly tired from my lack of sleep and the emotional rollercoasters, but I was too curious to find out what happened between the angel and the Devil.

"Well, I'm done" Lucifer spat out, interrupting Gabriel's protest. I saw Lucifer's fist clench tightly as he looked down on the angel.

"Oh well, good for you. I'm not. It's about time that we sorted this situation out. You need to under-"

"I don't need to do anything. I'm done talking to you now" Lucifer said and looked down on me, moving to hug my body and ushering me forward.

"No," Gabriel said with tight lips and a numb expression. With a quick swiss of his hands, an icy white substance flew out of his palms, and in a matter of seconds, I went flying back. I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the impact but instead, I bounced on the soft mattress of the bed.

Triggered, I looked towards the two celestial beings that took the majority of the space inside the small cabin. I was now on the side of the scene and I had a clear look at their faces; not a very pleasant sight.

Lucifer was wrapped with that white, icy substance that was coming out of Gabriel's palms. The angel had straightened up and looked more hurt than angered. Although his actions said otherwise.

"I know you have been avoiding me. I have reached out many times, so don't you dare turn this on me!" Gabriel said, his eyes turning icy as he looked at my mate. I stood up and looked from a somewhat safe distance. I glanced at my mate and what I saw either turned me on or scared the shit out of me; I couldn't figure out which one it was.

Lucifer had a cynical expression on his face. His eyes were drowned in a black abyss as he glared at Gabriel, his lips had morphed into a devilish smirk and his aura had darkened around him. The white substance started turning grey, the icy foam turning into pitch-black smoke.

"You think that you are still stronger than me, brother?" Lucifer's demonic voice boomed loudly and hit the walls of the small room. The familiar smoke around Lucifer grew bigger every second, consuming the empty space. Everything was foggy except Lucifer's eyes that looked like two black orbs shining in the darkness. The contrast was magnetic. Gabriel was the only source of light inside the room, as the dark fog covered the windows.

"Lucifer" I chipped in with a controlled calm voice, worried that he might explode and lash out on the poor angel. I cautiously stepped closer towards him, putting my hands in front of my body in defense.

Glancing at Gabriel's surprised and scared face, I understood that he knew what was coming.

"Does this look like the Garden to you? Do I look like I'm still a fucking kid? Like all those times that you were far stronger than me and you saved me from our cruel brothers? Huh?" His voice turned wicked and rough, anger and sadness pouring out of his mouth. I approached him slowly as I saw his horns piercing through his flesh. "Well, guess what Gabe!"


Lucifer's words were laced with pure, unfiltered venom.

"I'm not a fucking kid anymore. I'm much more powerful than you and our brothers. I, the rebel, the outcast, God's fucking disappointment, am the strongest being in the universe and nobody can take that away from me. Not God. Not you. Not the stupid witches that gave it their best." Lucifer was grinning like a madman at the end of his speech. His voice was unrecognizable; rough and distorted. The way he talked sent shivers up and down my spine as I took another two steps towards him.

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