CHAPTER 23: A strong will.

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Tanya walked back and forth in her room. She had sent someone to search for the Wahans but she wondered what was taking so long. Could Saya have lied about them being safe? 

Yangcha watched his Niruha pacing up and down, her face betraying her worries. He could have tried reassuring her but not only it wasn't his role and he didn't really know how to do that but also, just like the High Priestess, he didn't know if the Wahans were truly safe or not.

She looked at him, didn't he already know she could hear him? He wasn't helping her with his thoughts. As she kept eye contact with him, she remembered their previous conversation, 'you,'  he had told, that was what Saya wanted, her.  She had looked at him as if he had said a horrible thing but it would have been a lie if she pretended she wasn't aware of the fact Saya was interested in her, he thought they were linked because he used to see her in his dreams. But now that he knew about Eunseom, had he understood that what he saw in his dreams was his brother's life? That the one she was smiling at had always been Eunseom and not him? What was he going to do now that he knew? And what was she going to do now that he knew?

After what felt like an eternity to Tanya, someone finally knocked to her door to announce the Wahans were there. She felt relieved seeing all of them enter, she teared up at the sight of her father and she embraced him as she apologized for what had happened. "Are all of you really ok?" Tanya asked her former tribe members.

"We are ok but, what's wrong with that boy? I thought he was a nice kid but he locked us in that room all night!" Yeolson complained, "you know, I used to think Eunseom was a weird one but that Saya is worst! I was afraid something may have happened to you, my Tanya," he said taking her back into his arms.

Uncomfortable, Yangcha looked away, he wasn't that used to witness public demonstrations of affection, even less from someone with a high status like Tanya, and he wished she had just sent him back outside.

Tanya reassured her father, Saya had not done anything to her and she apologized for what he had done to them, she felt guilty for what had happened.

"Tanya, why did he ask so many questions about Eunseom?" the little Doti asked. 

"I wonder too, at first I thought he just wanted to talk to me about the sword I made by myself but he didn't even ask about it," Yeolson said, "it's when I saw all of them tied up I understood something was wrong! Does a normal person lock people up to know about someone? He could have just asked you!"

"A sword? How could a Wahan be able to make a sword by himself? Only Taealha knows the secret of the Bronze now."  

At her bodyguard's thought, Tanya tensed, was her father knowing something he shouldn't know? She glanced at Yangcha who quickly looked away thinking that the High Priestess' father had probably poorly chosen his words, he had probably only helped make one since he was working at the bronze factory.

"Is Eunseom ok?" Doti inquired, pulling Tanya out of the attention she was giving to Yangcha's thoughts.

"I hope so Doti," Tanya tried to reassure, kneeling to take the little girl in her arms, "Saya was curious, that's why he asked questions, as for why he used such a way, it's because I didn't tell him, that's my fault, I am sorry."

The Wahans didn't hold Tanya responsible, and they told her about what Saya had asked them, he wanted to know what kind of person Eunseom was, if he could dream, if he knew about their parents, if they had any kind of news from him since the last time they had seen him.

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