Chapter 2

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Days crossed, he just forgot about those horrors and surprisingly got a ticket to China!

He was considering himself very lucky that he got a visit to China and for free. Just because his friend won a lottery but got a job interview on the day of the flight.

There were four days left for the flight and he started packing his luggage.

He was that excited that he began imagining what to visit there and so on time passed. Even the next days went the same.

Now one night was left before the flight and he was half asleep.

And again he doesn't know why only this night he heard that creepy name 'Hing,' and he sat up in a flash looking around the silent room.

He tried to sleep but the door creaked and his whole body shook. Each and every sound scared him.

He stood out of the bed, locked each door and window in the room, and even switched the fan off.

He didn't get any sleep that night. He was lying with his eyes wide open and hearing every little sound around the room. He was remembering those horrific stories of punishment and torture.

After a long time, his eyes closed and he slept, not for long but that was fine.

He woke up when the alarm rang, he tried not to think about those spooky things and get ready quickly. He went to the bathroom but he was afraid to go in.

He slightly opened the door and peeked inside and made a coughing sound.

The light switch was inside. So, he swiftly put his hand in and switched all buttons on the board, and drew out in a lightning speed.

He took a nice shower after that daring act and sat for breakfast. He had some fruits, bread, corn flex, and milk. So, he quickly finished and carried out his luggage, and locked the door.

He had booked a taxi for the airport which kept him waiting for about ten minutes outside. After some time it reached his place.

The driver came out and loaded his luggage. He opened the door to sit. A strange man was already sitting there so, he quietly sat beside him.

He had long black hair encased with a hat and a long beard. He resembled an Asian man.

Anyone could tell that he would be a gangster or something by looking at the scary wounds and scars on his face.

The man gave him a blank look and asked in a deep voice,

"Where are you going?".

"Umm," he gulped and replied, "Airport."

The man turned his head and put his hand in the bag between his feet.

A shiver ran up his spine, his eyes were wide open with fear, and he raised both of his hands.

The man slightly turned his neck, narrowed his eyes, and pulled out his hand from the bag.

He was about to scream but stopped when he saw a cigar in his hand. He was very embarrassed, he quickly lowered his hands.

After some time he was at the airport and then on the plane. After half an hour in the air, some turbulence came, it wasn't so scary but the second time it was greater than before.

Everyone seemed to be normal, but him, what can he do? It was his first flight, he tried to behave normally.

He thought it would be best to sleep, so he wore his sleep mask and relaxed.

He woke up when they entered the Chinese borders and he was getting excited. But his enthusiasm survived no more, as the name 'Hing' again came with great turbulence.

He tried not to think more about it, but for his serenity, he just asked a man, who was sitting next to him "What just happened?"

The man smiled and said, "We entered China".

"Did you hear anything strange?" he asked.

"No," the man said narrowing his eyes.

The man might be thinking that he was mad, but he was only imagining the cruel king and his horrific acts.

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