Chapter 12

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We graduated.

We was driving to a local diner to celebrate Ashley and I graduating high school, my aunt and uncle were so happy. This whole week went by so fast, we took pictures and then got our diplomas and went to eat some food. And then tonight Ashley and I was going over the twins house for a party they were holding for the seniors who graduated.

I was wearing a satin short white dress that hugged my body with my hair curled and with neon Louboutin shoes I grabbed my clutch purse and meet Ashley outside with her boyfriend that took her to prom. Ashley was wearing a strapless green dress that was also short with black heels. "You looks cute cuz!" She said and I smiled and nodded and we got into her boyfriends car and went to the twins house.

By the time we got there the was music bumping and people dancing all around and drinks were being made and people were smoking some cigarettes or weed I couldn't tell. So I walk into the big mansion and people was everywhere inside as well, I decide I wanted to grab a drink so I walk off while Ashley and her boyfriend started to make out on the side.

I walk to the bar and saw what I wanted I wrote it down and gave the napkin to the bartender my order and then soon I felt hands on me and I know immediately it was the twins touching me to let me know that there was there.

"Hey baby. What you getting?" Christian asked and I show him the napkin that said a martini and they smiled and ordered their drinks and they talk among themselves and I drank my martini and kept ordering more martinis and then I wanted to dance. So I just left the twins and went and started to sway my hips around to the music and I felt someone watching and I looks behind and I was getting a dangerous look from the twins.

But I ignored them and kept dancing, I had to be careful though because now that graduation was over and my birthday was few days away I was gonna play my plan out just right. They twin idiots Will never know what hit them.

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