Chapter 3 Yellow-Bricked Road Trip

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"We should leave the children here." My mother suggested.

"What if Aster is with the Blood Witches?" Mason held his children close, all yearning for the love of their mother.

"Some of us should stay here then, while only a few go west." My father devised.

"Well, I have to go." I announced.

"I want to go." Drake perked up and I rubbed my temple.

"This could be like Will and I's second honeymoon." Iris dragged Will by his arm, so they stood beside Drake and me.

"Are you sure they will be safe?" My mother turned to Avery.

"Perfectly, my most trusted knights will escort you halfway, then Bloodwood knights will take over for the last half." She answered.

"Goodbye girls." I gave Daisy and Lily a hug, reserving a kiss on the head for little Anthony. He had a full head of hair now and was growing up so fast. "I'll bring their mum home." I promised Mason, who looked to be just holding it together.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Iris was far too happy as she mounted a dappled, white and tan horse with Will manning the reigns in front.

I turned around and swung up onto the back of a tall, black stallion with a shimmering mane longer than my own hair. I rubbed my hand on his neck to ease any nerves he had.

"Good luck children." My mother and father waved a goodbye, both giving me warning looks.

Nothing that had happened had been my fault and yet all the blame was put on my shoulders once more. I was ready to lay my guilt to rest in this realm.

Two Bloomwood knights led the group down the yellow brick road in green armour, the third taking up the back of the line with Iris, Mason, Drake and I and my wolf in the middle. I unfortunately found myself behind Iris and Will, who exchanged cringeworthy banter and long kisses that had their mare veering off the road every few minutes.

"So, you're bent then?" Drake struck up conversation from my rear.

"More like a revolving door." I remarked sourly, uncomfortable with the conversation.

"How long have you liked girls?" He continued.

"As long as you've been a pain in my arse." I guided by stallion over a log that had fallen over the road.

"I always knew it." Iris piqued from ahead.

"No you didn't." I refuted quickly.

"I did." She insisted. "You have manly shoulders."

"Oh, I see that now." Drake leered and I sent him an acidic look over my shoulders that were perfectly mine and neither feminine nor masculine.

"I'm Pans." I corrected everyone.

"What?" Iris and Drake asked at the same time.

"Doesn't that mean you like both genders?" Will was closest.

"It means that I like people for who they are on the inside, it doesn't matter what they look like or what they identify as." I elaborated; well aware the knights were listening to our conversation.

"So, you'd like animals and stuff?"

I swung around so I sat facing Drake on the stallions back. "You should really go back, because you're making this unbearable and we've only been riding for fifteen minutes."

"I'm just trying to have a conversation."

"You're trying to get an early burial-"

"-Quiet." The knight at the back of our group held a finger to his lips.

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