Jeongyeon— we were thinking they were expecting

"I would scream if they were" I laughed. It would be crazy.

Jihyo— maybe it's not even them, could be mina and chaeyoung again?

Jeongyeon— maybe butttt idk

Jennie— watch it be Nayeon and Tzuyu

Sana— AHHH your right Jennie!!!

Jeongyeon— damn never thought of that

Jihyo— I can't imagine those two with a kid

Jeongyeon— me either

Sana— they'd make such good parentssss

Jennie— they would 😫💕💕

Jeongyeon— ok now I'm on board they would 🥲

Jihyo— well we'll have too see. Hope you guys have a good day. See you later 😄

Jennie— yes! See you later tell poet we said good morning ☀️

Sana— ok! Love you guys. Poet said good morning back

Jeongyeon— bye losers 😙

Jihyo— 🙄🙄

Jeongyeon— love you jihyo 😚😚

Jihyo— love you too stupid. Bye 👋


Momo greeted us all with a huge hug. I was happy to see her. "Dahyun is in the other room getting ready. I'm glad you guys came." I nodded and took a seat on the couch with Jeongyeon and poet.

I still missed this place. I've had so many memories with momo in this house when I got in a relationship with jihyo I kind of left it behind. Me and Jeongyeon made sure to come here a lot more. I enjoyed my time with momo and loved this place so I was glad Jeongyeon could give that to me. Just like how jihyo would always text saying she's a the bar with Jennie. That bar had a special place in jennies heart and I know jihyo had to take her there all the time.

I leaned back and closed my eyes letting out a deep breath. "I love you" a whisper in my ear from Jeongyeon. "Love you too."

The door opened and the others came in. Poet sprinted to them for a hug. I got up and hugged jihyo. I haven't seen her in a little bit. "How are you Sana?"

"Good! You?" She shrugged and looked at Jennie. "Same old but I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. I'm really happy" when jihyo was happy it made my heart feel good and go back to that horrible moment that tore at my heart. The time I decided to finally end are relationship. It was the best thing I've ever done. Seeing jihyo happy like this just proves that I didn't mess up with that decision.
"I'm glad your happy jihyo" she smiled at me and took my hand bringing me to the couch.

A little time went bye and Mina and chaeyoung came over. The two looked really happy. They said they were still looking for a child but had their eyes on one. A girl who had just been dropped off about two weeks ago she was about poets age so a little older but they thought they could give her a good loving home.

"You guys would be amazing mothers!" Momo and all of us cheered them on.

"Ok so why do you have us here??" Jeongyeon questioned. We all were sitting at the edge of our seats.

"We have two surprises actually"

"Two?! Get the popcorn" I laughed and sat back in my seat I needed support for this news. "First we need Jennie to sit in the middle of the floor and jihyo you make sure she keeps her eyes closed"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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