13- Clean

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"Ta da!" I exclaimed, arms outstretched as we reached the clearing. "This is it."

Jaycee placed her hands on her hips, giving the structure a good look up and down. "Not bad. We could totally fix this place up. Well- me. I could. No offense."

"Hey! I can help! There's no way you're renovating this whole place by yourself."

She raised an eyebrow. "Fianna, do you even know what a drill bit is?"

I crossed my arms and glared at the tall grass. "No."

"Exactly. And that's okay. You have your interests, I have mine." She cracked her knuckles. "And I like a challenge. C'mon," she started for the door- which barely hung ajar on its rusted hinges.

Jay nonchalantly entered like it was any other house. I stayed close, gripping the back of her muscle tank with some band logo on the front.

"Do you even know what primer and foundation are?" I whispered, still clutching her clothing tightly.

"Uh, primer's the stuff you use before a paint job and a foundation is what supports structures." She answered, looking around the place.

"Wrong. It's makeup." I saw something skitter across the rotting floorboards out of the corner of my eye. I jumped onto Jay's back. "What was that?!"

"It's just a little bug." She said calmly, holding me up by the legs. "Nowhere near you. See? He's already gone."

If my arms were any tighter around her neck she'd likely be strangled. "If it was a spider I'm gonna start hyperventilating."

"What, you don't like spiders?" She asked, genuinely curious.

"I'm terrified of them. One time a picture came up on my phone and I threw it and started crying."

She shook her head with a disappointed sigh. "Why on Earth do you live out here?"

I slid off her back once I decided the coast was clear.

Jay nodded to herself. "I could get this done in a week, maybe two."

Excited, I grabbed her shoulder to get her attention. "Imagine having this place all to ourselves!!"

She smiled. "This would definitely be a great place to just escape after a long day. It's not that far a walk, it's pretty roomy. And the best part: no one knows about it 'cept us."

I grinned back. "This is so awesome," I said before glancing up at the tin roof.

As we exited the structure, Jay kicked the rickety door off its single hinge with ease.

"So for the outside color I was thinking hot pink." I said as we walked.

Jay threw her head back and laughed. "No."

"How about the inside?"


"The floor, then?"


"How about just the ceiling so you never have to look at it?"

"You have a five second head start before I'm putting you back in the spider house."

I stopped walking and looked at her, confused.

"Start running." She clarified.

My eyes widened. "Oh shit."

I bolted through the flower fields, Jaycee staying true to her word until five seconds had passed. She sprinted after me, the two of us running all the way back toward our houses.

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