Chapter 63: Sword Spirit

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Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were playing Rest in Peace to calm the sword spirit, they had to play it three times until the sword spirit calmed down. The doors got widely opened,  Lan Rin refrained from the embrace, got in the room and saw the havoc:


Lan Xichen ordered some disciples to carry away the injured people. Now that the injured were being taken care of; Jiang Cheng, Wen Qing, Lan Rin, Lan Jingyi, Lan Sizhui, Lan Zhuqing, Lan Yuchen, Jiang Ziyi, Jiang Song and Jin Ling all entered the room. The sword spirit was pointing to Northwest, Lan Jingyi asked:

"What do we do now?"

Wei Wuxian:

"We have to go to the Northwest."

Lan Sizhui:

"Why the Northwest?"

Wei Wuxian:

"It pointed in that direction."

Lan Jingyi:

"Who? Hanguang-Jun? Hanguang-Jun isn't pointing anywhere."

Wei Wuxian held his flute towards the sword spirit and said:

"It pointed, the sword spirit."

Lan Sizhui stared at Chenqing and hesitantly asked:

"That is..."

Wei Wuxian:

"Ah, that is Chenqing."

Chenqing looked somewhat familiar to Lan Sizhui and he asked:

"May I please touch it?"

Wei Wuxian was hesitant as it only allowed him, A-Yuan and Jiang Cheng back then, he said:

"It may push you away."

Lan Sizhui touched Chenqing, and Chenqing allowed him. Lan Sizhui was confused, Jiang Ziyi understood what was going on and she said:

"Senior uncle"

Wei Wuxian looked at the girl, she looked familiar yet she was a stranger, all the juniors dispersed, now Jiang Ziyi, Jiang Song, Lan Zhuqing, Lan Yuchen and Jin Ling were looking at him, Jiang Ziyi said:

"Senior uncle, I... I am A-Zi."

Jiang Song understood and joined her:

"Senior uncle, I am A-Song."

Lan Zhuqing continued:

"Wei Qianbei, I am A-Zhu."

Lan Yuchen smiled and said:

"Wei Qianbei, I am A-Yu."

Jin Ling was looking at him, he was shocked, he was crying, he said:

"You, you are Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian! You are really him! Senior uncle, I am Jin Ling, you can call me A-Rulan."

Lan Sizhui was still holding Chenqing, he figured out why it was all familiar, he remembered being planted on a field as if he was a radish, he remembered fighting against a big snake, he was crying too, he ran to Wei Wuxian, tightly hugged him and said:

"Wei Qianbei, I am A-Yuan! I missed you so much!"

Lan Rin was looking at Lan Zhuqing and Lan Yuchen, she said:

"A-Zhu, A-Yu!"

The twins ran to her and hugged her tightly, hey both said:


Lan Sizhui stopped hugging Wei Wuxian, Jin Ling pushed him away and hugged Wei Wuxian, he then said:

"Senior uncle, my sword, its name is Wuxian!"

Wei Wuxian smiled and said:

"How long have we been gone?"

Lan Wangji spoke:

"Thirteen years."

Jiang Cheng:

"Enough all of you, we have a sword spirit pointing in a direction, what do we do?"

Wei Wuxian:

"We follow it."

Lan Rin said:

"I have to join too, I was thrown into this mystery too."

Lan Xichen:

"Be careful."

Lan Rin:

"We will be."

Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and Lan Rin set off to the Northwest. Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing set off to Yunmeng. Jiang Ziyi, Jiang Song and Jin Ling said they would stay in Gusu as the juniors have been planning their next night-hunt. Lan Xichen approved of it.

Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and Lan Rin were riding on horses. Lan Rin was looking at her sword, her bracelet and her flute, she was happy that she got back her weapons. Her bracelet's name was Sanduo-Hua (Three Flowers) the bracelet had a lotus, daisy and rose on it, it was a weapon able to spurt poison when used; lotus would disorient the person, daisy would knock the person out and rose would kill the person. Her flute's name was Mianfeide-Hua (Free Flower), it was a vertical flute made out of jade. She then grasped her sword tighter, her sword's name was Zhimingde-Hua (Fatal Flower), its sheath was sapphire blue unlike any other Gusu Lan Sect sword, it sheath also had many flower patterns, its size was same as the other Gusu Lan Sect swords. As they were riding, they arrived in Qinghe, Lan Rin was shocked and said:

"Eh, we arrived in Qinghe, now to where?"

Lan Wangji took out the Evil Subdue Qiankun Pouch, the pouch was pointing them to get inside Qinghe, he said:

"We enter here."

They entered Qinghe and looked for a place to stay. They found an inn and got two rooms. Lan Rin went into her room and laid on her bed. It had been thirteen years since they went away, all the kids were now teenagers and they already made their debuts by the events of the Mo Manor and Dafan Mountain. Lan Rin was looking at the ceiling and thinking, she had no clue what happened all those years, she had no clue how much others suffered. Her lotus wound suddenly started bleeding with pain, she screamed and went to the bowl of water that was in her room, she found a clean rag, she was about to clean her wound, she saw Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian entering her room, Wei Wuxian asked worriedly:

"What is it?"

Lan Rin:

"Lotus wound."

Lan Wangji rushed to her side and looked at the wound saying:

"It is deep."

Wei Wuxian sighed and put Chenqing on his waist then said:

"Will it ever heal?"

Lan Rin:

"Whoever your last wound belongs to, the faster we kill, the better for us. Your wound and my wound are connected."

Lan Wangji cleaned her wound, gave her a pain killer and vitality supplement, he bandaged her hand and said:

"Meditate, I will get food sent."

Lan Rin nodded and sat in the lotus position, started meditating. Wei Wuxian looked at the wound on his arm and said:

"Maybe, the sword spirit is leading us to that person."

Lan Rin didn't answer, she was meditating. Wei Wuxian scratched his nose and said:

"We woke up at the same place, faced life and death together, you are married to Zewu-Jun, why the cold shoulder?"

Lan Rin:

"Xianxian, I came here exactly for that, we have to get to the bottom of this matter."

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