Chapter 5: Engagement

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On the fourth day of him being in the Burial Mounds, Jiang Cheng looked at Wen Qing, Wei Wuxian, and Wen Ning then said:

"That is it, I now have to go back to Lanling to declare the situation. I gave you the bell of Yunmeng Jiang Sect as it lets you pass through the barrier, no worries, even if they try to attack you, none of them can pass through this barrier."

He waved his hand and left them, went through the Lotus Barrier as if it was nothing, he met with the disciples in Yiling Teahouse, he knew that speaking could give them away so he simply wrote "I married Wen Qing."

The disciples were shocked yet they said nothing, then they made their way to Lanling. Things had been a chaos indeed. People were still discussing even after four days of him being in the Burial Mounds. He knew that he couldn't directly show up, then Lan Wangji saw him, made his way to Jiang Cheng, bowed to him and said:

"Sect Leader Jiang."

Jiang Cheng looked at him:

"Lan Wangji, where is Sect Leader Lan, I need to tell him something urgently, in private."

Lan Wangji bowed again. He had a stoic face that never gave away his emotions. If Jiang Cheng wasn't hurryig with the temper of his, it must have indeed been a private matter, he found Lan Xichen and said:


Lan Xichen looked at Lan Wangji:

"Wangji, what is the matter, you look panicked."

Lan Xichen was the only person who was able to read through Lan Wangji's stoic face, Lan Wangji said:

"Sect Leader Jiang wants to talk to you, privately."

Lan Wangji didn't have to hide anything as they were brothers and other leaders were aware that these brothers had the habit of talking to each other in private during conferences or banquets so it wasn't a matter of concern at all. Lan Xichen nodded as Lan Wangji went towards Jiang Cheng. They arrived, and just as Lan Wangji was about to leave Jiang Cheng said:

"Lan Wangji, I need you to hear the matter too."

Lan Wangji was a bit shocked but he stayed, then Lan Xichen spoke:

"Sect Leader Jiang, what is the matter?"

Jiang Cheng shortly mentioned what happened in the Burial Mounds as well as telling that he married Wen Qing, he told everything according to how they agreed back in the Burial Mounds, surprisingly Lan Wangji was the one who broke the silence, what was even more surprising was that a tear was streaming down his face:

"So, this is why Wei Ying's spiritual power is impaired."

He held Bichen tightly and looked at Lan Xichen:

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

Lan Xichen:

"Sect Leader Jiang has points, how couldn't I see... A-Yao."

Jiang Cheng was shocked:

"What does it have to do with Jin Guangyao?"

Lan Xichen said:

"Two days ago, a blind rogue cultivator whose name is Xiao Xingchen brought a criminal here, Xue Yang. Jin Guangshan took him under his protection, Xiao Xingchen left after dumping Xue Yang here. Da-ge wanted to kill him right then and there but Jin Guangshan refused. So, it is no surprise that A-Yao used sentences that provoked others, Jiang Wanyin, forgive me as I was also fooled by A-Yao's words, I trust Wangji and he told me that Master Wei didn't tell anything disrespectful to you, from then on, I should have shut my ears to others as I know both Wangji and Master Wei. I thought his heart changed, I am glad to be wrong. Sect Leader Jiang, let me be the one to tell to Da-ge, as I know what to tell him and how to tell him, would you let me?"

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