Chapter 2

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This feeling I was feeling in the pit of my stomach made me feel giddy. I know that’s cliché of me to say but it felt like fireworks. Mind you, I’ve never kissed anyone besides this kiss with Miguel.

The kiss consisted of varying pressures from Miguel’s behalf. I was just following suit of these incredible feelings and pressures he was giving me. My whole demeanour changed after this kiss. It gave me a whole new outlook on life. All I’ll remember is the pink/purple/orange sky while he leant down and pressed his lips softly onto mine.

I know it sounds wrong in almost every way possible but when this is your first kiss, you remember the small details, rather than the bigger ones. I’ll remember every little bump on his lip from being chapped. I’ll remember the way my heart fluttered when he inched closer to me. I’ll remember what I was wearing and how I was wearing it. But what I won’t remember is how he was feeling with that first kiss or whatever.

It’s hard to decipher what feelings you’re meant to feel but I do know I feel like I’m on top of the world with everything. I feel like my world is now complete. It’s hard though. It’s hard because of all the feelings that swirl around in your head whenever you’re content with things. You feel as though you’re happy but then some repressed memory creeps up and you’re confused much worse than before.

I’m not confused, nor am I even in that ballpark but I know I will be whenever I sit and think about everything. Think about how I gave easily into the kiss that Miguel placed upon my lips. Think about how easily I opened up about the past bullying that everyone secluded me with.

“Niamh,” Miguel whispered as he unlatched himself.

“Mhm?” I mumbled.

“Can I see you again? Or can we please extend this night to something other than standing here on the bridge?”

“I’m guessing so. However, what shall we do with the extra time this wonderful evening has delighted us with?”

“Have you ever been to the arcade around here?” He asked.

“What arcade?” I asked.

“The one right at the end of this bridge, on the left, past the old bakery.”

“Never knew there was one there.”

“Well, that’s because it’s new and never been opened yet.”

“Wait, is that your arcade?” I questioned bamboozled.

“Yep. I want you to be the first one to test it out and win whatever prize you want.”

“Can my prize be you?” I cheekily asked.

“You can have whatever,” He whispered.

My cheeks rose to an enigmatic flame colour. I was embarrassed to speak of the so-called dirty deed. Although I started the conversation in the sense of the hilarity. I wasn’t intending on it finishing that way. Never in a month of Sundays was I.

You’ll be fine,” I winked as I walked on.

Miguel caught up with me and grabbed my hand as I left him there gobsmacked. I’m guessing he wasn’t sure of how I’d react to the whole speaking terms thing. Well, I say that but what I really mean is the way we’re speaking to each other. No one really speaks like that on the first attempt of a date.

I’ll admit, I like the feeling his clammy hands gave. I like the feeling that he gives. He’s sweet and gentle. He’s open and honest, whilst I’m closed off and mysterious. I guess that makes us an amazing couple but why have porridge without the actual oats? It’d be disgusting. All you’d really have is milk or hot water, depending on how you make it.

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