This only happens in books

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I turned around instantly in my tracks to see an angry Calum looking , past me to the boys behind.

"Whoa, we were only having a little fun" the blue haired boy said while biting his lip and winking at me before he suddenly disappeared leaving a gush of air, I gasped and turned around to see that chad and the other boy had also left.
I stared at Calum confused and utterly scared.
"I told you to stay away" he growled walking towards me but I took a step back.
"Y-y-your ?" My voice trailed off my face was pale and my body frozen.
he took a deep breathe and looked at me his eye dull full of mystery, black even.
"Vampires" he finished off my sentence and biting his lip.
I felt dizzy, vampires ? This can't be... No this only happens in books..
Everything around me began to spin my body felt weak and black dots start appearing in my vision, suddenly my body hit the floor and I could see was darkness before I passed out..
I woke up in an ordinary room something soft and cuddly beneath me a sofa? A bed? The room was dark apart from a few specks of light fluttering in through the cracks of the heavy matte black curtains.
I gained the courage to sit up and let my eyes readjust to light and I took deep breathes when it all hit me CALUM! He was a vampire no it can't be this dosent happen in real life, the darkness soon became uncomfortable as i was lost in my controversial thoughts.

"you okay?" a voice suddenly spoke making me jump slightly, my eyes tierd and couldn't focus in the dark, the unknown voice a mystery as i could hear their heavy breathing my heart beating faster, i realized i hadn't answered them "y-es" i muttered, letting out a deep breath i didn't know i was holding.

"your smell is intoxicating" they whispered and i could feel their body heat getting closer to me as my breathing hitched in my throat... i felt a light weight sit next to me on the soft surface where i lay moments ago fast asleep unaware of anything around me.

"calum?" i asked almost in a whisper and i heard them sigh before the lights went on, blinding me momentarily, taking my eyes a few moments to readjust.

"i told you to stay away from me" calum said a mixture of emotions present in his eyes, but i couldn't figure out which ones behind his cold dark gaze that intrigued me even more, his eyes had a story, a mystery behind them and i was determined to figure out what it was.. suddenly i wasn't so scared of him anymore, there was something about him that made me stay, that attracted me to him. "i guess im curious" i whispered looking up at him and biting my lip without noticing, something i did often when i was nervous.i could feel his gaze on me as i stared at the floor, uncomfortable.

"god, why do you have this effect on me?" he muttered under his breath making me look up to meet his eyes which were already staring down at me, his eyes full of lust?, "wha-at?" i managed to say and he shook his head standing up and running a hand through his hair in frustration. i stood up and stopped in front of him looking into his eyes once more, forgetting everything around me.

"why are you not scared of me?" he asked confusion present in his face, and i smiled lightly , "why should i be?" i asked quietly, "because im not normal, im not like you, im not good enough for you" he said his expression turning to angry and hurt at the same time in split seconds, "thats what makes attracts me the most" i said bringing my hand up to his cheek slowly caressing it, before he took it in his own and brung it down, running his fingers along my knuckles slowly.

"im not the right person for you" he said looking away from my gaze leaving me shocked,"why?" i asked disappointment present in my voice, "because-" he said hesitating for a while before looking into my eyes again and letting go of my hand " you should go and stay away or ill have to make you" he said with a serious tone, before turning around heading for the door.

"aren't you scared ill tell anyone?" i asked confused eager for him to stay, " i trust you" he simply said before walking out leaving me standing there alone in this unknown house that ass, he had the decency to tell me WHO's good enough for me or not, suddenly i felt lost and alone, before taking a deep breathe and walking out of the room to be greeted with a long flight of fresh wood stairs that headed downstairs, the walls around the halls brightly painted light yellow and the white room doors all closed, as calum was no where to see, i shook my head determined to forget about him, hes no good my conscious reminded me.


i hope you enjoyed another chapter of dripping blood, i apologize for not updating earlier but i had a hard time with school and some family problems, but im on Easter break now so 2 weeks of updating shall be done, if you enjoy this story please give it a like/rate thingy star that helps alot thanks xx- DANIII

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