Stay away from me...

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I looked up to see Calum crouched over me, the car distant and the car door slightly smashed, I breathed heavily trying to take in what just happened, I sat on the floor and pushed myself away from him and looked at him with a blank expression, part of me scared, terrified of what happened and another terrified of him
"How-w?" Is I all I managed to say and he shakes his head and stands up his face shows no emotions what so ever and he takes a few steps away from me turning around and starting to walk slowly, I immediately dart up from the floor, "Wait, Calum!" I shout and he turns around looking me dead in the eyes, his face is pale and his expressions blank his eyes are dull, they show no life, it was as almost as he wasn't there.
"Stay away from me" he says in a low and deep voice, his tone was serious and he turned around again disappearing like wind.
I sat there on the cold hard ground, I didn't know what to think, who was he? Or as part of me wanted to ask , what was he?
I soon focused on his last words, stay away from me.
"I don't want to" I whispered quietly to myself.
"i don't want to" I whispered again to make sure I had heard myself .
I took a deep breathe and stood up again looking to my left side to see the passengers seat of the car that nearly hit me was empty, had he seen anything, I had to find that person.
I got into my car and placed my seat belt on I leaned my head against the steering wheel taking deep breathes I had to talk to him again, I needed answers, after a few moments I slowly pulled away driving over to where my house was in silence, my thoughts scared me second by second, my questions, my suggestions, were Getting worser, and there was someone right now who could help me...
I stopped the Car in the middle of the road earning huge honks and shouts from the cars behind me but right now I couldn't care less, I turned around and drove back to school, hitting the pedal gas harder each time.
I got to school just in time as everyone was coming out, I got out of the car as soon as I spotted Dylan coming out of the large double doors.
"DYLAN" I shouted and he looked at me with a smile stopping in his tracks, I effortlessly ran over to him the rain soaking everyone, I stopped as I reached him and took a deep breathe and looked in his eyes.
"Hey grace" he said with his goofy smile.
"Tell me the truth,.. Please" I said quietly making sure only he could hear me. his smile disappeared and was replaced with a blank face.
He took a deep breathe and looked into my eyes, his eyes were full of worry and anger.
"Come with me" he said taking my hand and guiding me into the woods not far away from school, it was the one you could see from every class window, the one where Luke and Calum looked with such intensity and amazement.
"Where are we going?" I asked quietly but he remained silent focused on the way, my heart was beating x10 times faster than normal, my hands were probably sweating... Thank god it was raining rn.
A few moments after we were past view of anyone, it was all quiet not a single bird could be heard, the rain had gone down slightly and the wind had suddenly stopped almost magical.
"Here" he said stopping Infront of an old, black metal fence which led to the entrance of the not so dark woods now.
The painting was slightly chopped and the path on the other side was mostly mud and wood shavings I took a deep shaky breathe.
"What's this, why are we here" I asked questions racing through my mind.
dylan sighed looking at me apologetically.
He stayed quiet and motioned to the other side of a fence where a few miles away there was a house, a modern quite luxurious house.
"You didn't answer my question" I
Blurt out, realising he hadn't.
"You have to find out by urself, I can't get involved with them, you will understand soon.. I'll wait here for you" he said with a serious voice, this must be a joke.
"Okay, I know I'm the new girl but you seriously you don't have to prank me" I said hoping he would laugh but his face stayed blank.
I sighed taking a deep breath.
"Okay" I whispered and took a step closer to the fence opening it slowly as it creaked and when I turned around to shut it Dylan wasn't there anymore, damn it he promised he would wait. I walked slowly up to the house taking small quiet steps, I could feel eyes burning into my skin, I looked around at the trees, and I swear there was someone there but soon the image disapeard and I took a deep breathe when I felt a strong gush of wind hit me and I stopped in my tracks, my heart started beating faster and faster by the second, I turned around slowly scared of what might be behind me.
I turned around to see one of the boys that had followed Calum out of the room in English class today.
His skin still pale, his eyes slightly red, my breathing was faster and no words. Could form in my throat, he took one steps closer to me walking around me as my eyes followed him, his eyes glued on me.
"We'll well, what do we have here?" He asked getting his finger and lifting my chin up to meet his eyes, his eyes now blood red.
"Who are you?"i asked slowly, gaining the courage to speak up.
he ignored my question and in the matter of seconds out of nowhere a boy with curly hair appeared and smiled at me.
"Leave her alone chad" he said nudging the boy and I pulled my face away from his grasp.
"Fresh meat" another voice said and I looked around to see a blue haired boy licking his lips. if this was a prank Dylan could come out now, I was terrified, my hands started shaking.
"Okay if this is a joke is not funny anymore" I said my voice shaky, I tried taking a deep breathe but I had no breathe left.
"Is the little human scared?" Chad asked smirking at the blue haired boy.
"Human?" I asked quietly, confused.
And the boy with curly hair laughed.
"Wait, your her" chad said his eyes widening once he could get a good look at me.
"Your the scent girl" the blue haired boy said coming closer and smelling the air.
"He was right, she's special" he said smirking at me and I felt my legs faint, I couldn't give up now.
"What are you ?" I asked again changing my words.
"That's not very nice is it? What, don't you mean who?" The curly haired boy said staring at me in the eyes.
"Leave her alone, she's mine" I heard a voice shout, I recognised that voice it was..
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please like this story if you enjoy reading it that helps a lot and also who do you think the voice is?! ...👌

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