My heart started beating so fast that I was scared that it would tick off any second like a bomb. He groaned against my lips as we ran out of breath.

"You are so tempting, I can control myself around you." He said placing wet lingering kisses on my face.

I never let anyone touch me but with him I want to be touched. I want to be closer to him. I tried to but I couldn't move away from him, my legs wouldn't let me.

"How did you know that it was me and why are you not wearing your shirt?" I asked getting away from him after a few seconds of inner turmoil.

"Who sleeps with the shirt on, it's so hot in the room?" He said and pulled me back into his arms again and I laid down beside him.

I knew he wouldn't let me move away and I want to be in his arms.

"I like this new bold you. You never came in here for the last 3 years and looking at us lying together on the same bed. Who are you and what did you do to my old Divya?" He asked me in a shocked tone.

"That's because I am not Divya anymore. I am your girlfriend/wife/ fiancé. Pick whatever you want." I said clutching harder and snuggling into him feeling shy at my own words.He smiled and kissed me on my head.

"Why are you sleeping so early?" I asked him inhaling his musky scent.

"I have a meeting at 5:30 in the morning, looks like I missed out on a lot in the last 10 days because of you. And on top of that dad's asking me to take over. I am planning to ask Jameson to merge dad's company into Global. What do you think?"

He wants to know my opinion on a such a big decision, I feel valued and at the same time I feel hurt by his words. I know he said that he would make it harder for me, I can take it and I deserve it for hurting him.

"It seems like a good idea and you should talk to Jameson." I told him.

"I will talk to dad and Jameson tomorrow. If we do merge with Global we could be in the Top 10 companies in the world." He sounded excited.

Really top 10, that's so scary for me. Andrew being an ex-actor is hard for me and if they do become top 10. Where will that put me? Will he give me the same attention like he does now? What if he thinks that I am too low for his range?

"When are you going back to work?" He asked me after a long pause breaking my chain of thoughts.

"Maybe next week!" I mumbled still thinking about how rich he is and self doubting myself, and thinking if I am really worth his love.

He could literally get anyone he wants, anyone. Why does he want a single mother like me?

How many people did he have in his life before me? I didn't see him with anyone after I came here. Did he really wait for me for almost 3 years?

"Did you have any girl friends?" I asked him not liking the thought of him with anyone else.

"I did but she left me last month." He replied earning a glare and punch from me.

I punched him on his abs, and it hurt me instead. Punching him felt like punching a rock.

"Stop being a brat and tell me." I said to him rubbing my knuckles.

He took my hand and started kissing me on each knuckle.

"Girls love to be in a relationship with a boy with alcohol and addiction problems. So, I had 25 girlfriends each year." He said sarcastically.

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