Chapter 28

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"I don't like her! She keeps staring at me and says mean things about you." Amar said hiding his face in nape of my neck pointing to my dad's mom.

"I don't understand anything he says. I want to pamper my great grandson and he doesn't even talk to me." My dad's mom said and started coming to us and I took a step back from her.

I purposely told Amar to talk to her and my father in English, so they won't understand and bond with him. 

Don't judge me, it's my job to protect my son from all the toxic people. Amar agreed to everything when I told him that we are going back to Andrew.

"Don't come near him, he doesn't like talking with strangers." I told her back with a faint smile feeling proud of my son for coming back to me.

"I am his great grandma not a stranger." She said with a disappointing look at my words.

"To me and him you are a stranger." I said to her with a serious look.

"She has been acting like this ever since she came back. She is not giving me any respect and not fearing me." She kept mumbling at my mother annoying me.

"Why should I give you any respect? What did you do deserve it?" I questioned her and her eyes bulged out in shock.

She thought for a few seconds and opened her mouth.

"I am your grandmother, if not for the relationship you should at least respect me for my age." She said to me and I let out a humorless chuckle at her response.

"Respect is earned and, your age card doesn't work when you are nothing but disrespectful to others. You get what you give, respect me and my decision, let me go and then we will talk." I told her with a proud smile.

"No wonder Jay left you, who's going to tolerate you if keep taking back like this? Your generation girls doesn't know how to keep a marriage going on..." She commented about me and all the people.

When will she change?

"A small correction oldie, I left Jay. And stop blaming girls when marriages don't work out." I gave her a comeback and left not wanting to talk to her anymore.

It's been a 3 days since I am back to India and I've been on a confinement ever since. I feel like a prisoner but I have to pay for believing them again.

My father and Jay are scared that Amaya and Andrew will come and take me away. So, no phones or any electronics devices in the house even for Amar, poor boy is bored out of his mind. But this feels like a nice retreat for him, he is having fun with my mom.

I've been annoying my father and his mom like this to the core by disagreeing to everything they ask and say. It feels really good to say no to them.

Jay came in the day after we reached here and my father tried to send me back to him but I faked being sick and fainted right in middle of the living room.

Me, faking sick was the step 1 of my grand plan to escape. I learnt that Raghu thatha(grandpa) still is our family doctor, who is Shaurya's father. And when he came in to treat me, I explained him the scenario and requested him to apply for new passports for me and my son without letting Shaurya or anyone there know about it.

I don't want their help, I am going to fight for myself this time.  I have to do this alone without Andrew's help. He made me stronger and I have to prove that his girl can fight alone. I can and will get myself out after ruining them.

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