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When I told an old bodyguard of mine that I saw through the Empyrean, it didn't make sense even to me.

But Sabre believed it. I didn't blame her – she was not a genius. I was.

She raised her eyebrows. 'You didn't.'

'I did,' I said. 'Makes sense, doesn't it? I'm anti Empyrean.'

'You are a stupid excuse for a celebrity,' she snarled.

'Hey, there are no stupid geniuses in the Universe. I've never met one,' I said. 'But then again, you should probably check out my new offer.'

'What new offer?'

'Hmm, let us see,' I said, a lot more nervous than I actually sounded, which would be off the charts. 'We're looking for an army. An army that will eventually defeat the Empyrean. Now, there is this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You join us, we forget everything you'd done, and you'll be still alive and extremely rich when the Empyrean is trashed. Yay. Everybody wins.'

'No,' Sabre said flatly.

'Oh well...' I was ready to run. 'That's a pity.'

'No. As in, everybody doesn't win. The Empyrean loses. I lose. This sucks.'

'No you don't lose. You're not with the Empyrean.'

'I am,' she said stubbornly.

'You wouldn't be saying this if you knew who is in this army,' I said. 'Who is?' she demanded.

'I can't tell you,' I said. 'You're with the Empyrean.'

'Tell me right now. Or die. Take your pick.'

'Hey, you were like, three seconds ago, that you'll kill me anyway? Then what's the difference?' Big gamble, I know.

'The difference is down to a quick death, or a very painful death,' she growled.

'I can take the pain for not betraying the others,' I said. Yeah, it was me, valiant, like a real life screen hero.

Not really. If reverse psychology was true, I was safe. Maybe.

'Can you really?'


'You'd better tell me the thing first.'

'No,' I shook my head, and gave her a brilliant smile. 'Join us and I'll talk.'

Sabre looked super-frustrated. That was how all cats were – they'll flip to get what they want.

'Fine! You could tell me and you'll still be alive.'

'How can I believe you?' I asked her.

Sabre snapped the fingers and the guys dropped dead. 'Tell me.'

'There is still you,' I pointed out.

She yowled in desperation.

'Sure, don't freak out,' I said. 'I'll just go.'

And I made a run for it.

I had really forgotten what Sabre's abilities were. Instantly, she was in front of me.

'You're not leaving. Speak.'

It was incredible. She hadn't yet realised it was all a big, fat lie.

'Mm... let's see, the President of the Universe?' Busted.

'He died ages ago! It's not him.'

'You say,' I smirked. 'What do you know?'

'I know many things,' she snarled.

Beyond the StarsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ