chapter 1a

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''Finally''  I screamed and got a few wierd looks from  the people in the shop.

You may be wondering what this is  about well-

Next week i'll be starting school as a senior, yay.Anyways I want to go through this year without causing any drama. Right now I'm at the mall searching for a new look cause my mum literarly  shoved me out of the house so I had no other choice than to go to the mall. I have been at the mall  for the past  3  hours and I'm just finding ''the look'' as my mum called it, so ofcourse I don't care  'bout the looks people are given me its all worth it since I get to go home and relish in the warmth of my bed.

I stalked to the counter and paid the lady after that I head to the door where I met my driver and we went home.

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