Chapter 21 - The Past and the Future

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June marked the end of the academic year.

Since classes had ended for the next few months, Severus was finally able to spend more time with Lily, whenever she wasn't working and he wasn't meeting with Dumbledore or Voldemort.

And Severus had taken notice of how strangely quiet Voldemort had been over the last few weeks.

Severus was grateful that he still had his research to work on, it kept him busy while Lily fretted over what they were both going to wear to Petunia's upcoming wedding.

Quietly, calmly, that summer seemed to pass by in a haze, but one early afternoon, Severus found himself in Dumbledore's office, sitting in a chair across from Odessa.

"Thank you both for coming today." Dumbledore greeted the pair cheerfully.

"You have my gold?" Odessa asked.

"Yes, madam, we do." Dumbledore nodded. "And if you spare just a few minutes of your time, I'll give it to you before you leave today."

Odessa seemed pleased with that answer and she nodded respectfully to Dumbledore.

"Do you know anything about the locket?" Dumbledore asked the siren.

"Only that Tom asked me to wear it and keep it safe." Odessa nodded.

"Very well, do you mind if we examine it?" Dumbeldore asked. "No harm will come to you or your jewelry, be assured."

Severus was very skilled at examining cursed objects and so Dumbledore let him undertake the task.

While Severus worked, Dumbledore flipped through a large, ancient text looking for clues that may offer hints on destroying the locket without harming Odessa.

When Severus first leaned in towards Odessa's throat, she flinched and pulled away. Seeing her reaction and realizing that she felt threatened, Severus politely hesitated from coming any closer for a moment, and Odessa relaxed, allowing him to lift the locket off her chest for a closer look.

Severus kept his eyes and his mind on his job, even while Odessa's ample cleavage peeked out at him from her bright red dress, rising and falling with every breath that she drew.

Odessa smirked, finding the situation amusing.

"I can tell that you are truly a man in see perfection, yet you avert your eyes." Odessa chuckled arrogantly.

"You're correct......." Severus replied, his voice low and rich as he continued to study the locket, "I'm in love with your granddaughter, but judging by our previous interactions, you already know that."

Severus's black eyes flickered up to meet Odessa's green stare and he was surprised to see both pain and anger on her face.

There in Dumbledore's office, speaking only to Severus, Odessa no longer denied Lily's claim.

Severus did not pester the siren, he only asked a single question, "Why are you hiding?"

"To protect my blood." Odessa replied solemnly, "There is no need for them to feel pain. The woman they thought I was died years ago, it is far better they think that then know the truth."

Severus stayed quiet while he tapped the locket with his wand.

Though he didn't know the details, Severus found Odessa's conclusion difficult to argue against.

A frustrated scowl formed on his face.

Severus's examination of Slytherin's locket was not going well.

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